The Benefits of Online Gaming to Teenagers

There are several benefits of online gaming to teenagers as there are challenges. This paper looks at the positive effects of online gaming to teenagers

       Online gaming develops discovery, curiosity, and learning (Granic et al., 66). Most children play and learn new things as a result of video gaming. Teenagers mostly start gaming as a way of discovering new activities. Gaming covers wider subjects that enable them to continue to learn. For instance, games are developed from an event which can make them dig deeper into such events as WW I gaming.

              Gaming also helps them make friends. Gamers have a lot of friends whom they would have never met suppose they would not be gaming (Granic et al., 66). The universal games like Pokémon, always bring teenagers together through gaming tournaments or just online gaming on their sites. Whether connection or competition, online games is a significant way that teenagers make friends.

            Similarly, online gaming helps teenagers in competition, mastery, and challenge. Most gaming teenagers are always in the game to compete and win. Besides, gaming requires specialized knowledge to install and use a computer or the gaming console as well as mastering the game definite keyboard commands and changing game controls (Granic et al., 66). Each new game, as well as game series, requires that these teenagers figure out mechanisms and connections of the game before having fun. All these necessitate mastery of the complex gaming mechanisms and openness to challenges.

       In sum, online gaming has a positive influence on teenagers in various ways such as making new friends, learning, discovery, and mastery. Online gaming is a platform that gives teens challenges which if they solve effectively, they learn and makes discoveries in the process.

Work Cited

Granic, Isabela, Adam Lobel, and Rutger CME Engels. "The benefits of playing video games." American psychologist 69.1 (2014): 66.

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