The Art of Writing

The art of writing and my struggles

The art of writing has always bothered my personality. Taking writing classes in my lower levels of education like junior secondary has been out of reluctance. My main problem is not writing, but how to start writing. The inability to introduce any writing statement has always made me stare at my assignments. This problem has stunned the progress of my writing experience. With this in mind, I decided to start writing classes though with many flaws and weaknesses.

Language barriers and my journey to becoming a talented writer

My life in Mexico made me a dwarf in the King's language, English, when I moved to the States. In all my life I was gifted in Spanish only, so staying and learning in the U.S was a daunting task. My ability to write and read English was faced with hurdles doubled up with a Spanish accent in American classes. As a Spanish speaking student in American classes, moving from Mexico to the U.S molded me into the person I wanted to be, an all-time talented writer.

Discovering my passion for writing and facing challenges

My first essay in the junior secondary deemed simple to undertake. I remember my teacher giving clear instructions, 'write about an instance in your life.' Due to my usual fears, I faced difficulties in starting the said essay, which made me lose the direction. A draft of the assignment could be accepted, so I took this opportunity to draw a good draft of the essay. I struggled, but at the end, I was not ready the night that essay was due to be submitted. After handing in the paper, the feedback from the teacher signaled a red light on my writing skills. I could authoritatively tell that rushing with essays was detrimental to my writing skills. It was upon me to rethink on the best way of writing down my essays.

The influence of early childhood education on my love for writing

Throughout my early childhood education, I have had a passion for reading and writing. The writing was easy because of the quality of teaching I received in Mexico and the support of my parents and older siblings. The overall support and basics gave me time to enjoy and take writing as my hobby. The more books I read, the more passion I developed towards writing. The very first occasion I realized I love writing was in the 2nd grade. My teacher used to frequently tell us to cut an object from cardboard, such as an apple. We would write on that object a story relevant to it. As for me, this was not a normal school activity, but an opportunity to be creative and have a voice in our classroom.

College struggles and the desire for improvement

Since I joined my college, my writing skills deteriorated. I was not good enough at practicing while on vacations before my admission. My flaws as a writer were evident when I was given a class essay that got me off. The ability to form short and clear paragraphs was lost in me. I firmly believe this was one of the contributing factors to my lower grades. The assignment showed me how much I could learn from my weaknesses, and better my writing skills.

Developing concentration and focus in writing

The mediocre performance at the beginning of my semester was not pleasant for me. But as I progressed, I am becoming more focused on realizing my fading dreams of being a talented writer. I used to write just for the sake of getting away from the assignments. My little stay in the college, however, has made me realize that concentration and focus are of the essence. I have enjoyed the fact that we brought up attractive and interesting stories in our class, such as propaganda, and writing down their analysis in order to sharpen our writing skills.

Overcoming challenges and yearning for new writing skills

The challenges I have faced so far have cultivated me so dearly. They have proved to be very vital in my writing development. I have chosen to write my essays and assignments based on objectives and unbiased viewpoints. Technically, all my high school experience taught me the art of writing was about narration and logical expression of ideas. I realized that the daunting task I had was developing strong paragraphs. I feel enveloped in the situation of yearning for new writing skills to help me materialize my writing dream.

Growth and aspirations

Besides my writing deformities, I can boast of the vast experience skills I have learned from my weaknesses. I am purposed to have better introductions that catch readers' attention. I am determined to hook my audience into exploring all my writing pieces. I am also working towards to exciting and making my audience happy, right from the start of my writing works.

Conclusion and looking forward

In conclusion, when I look back on the lessons of this class, I feel much different as they have helped me a lot. As a procrastinator, the lessons have helped me plan well for my college courses. I will always apply the strategies and lessons from the past experiences in earlier classes. The writing skills have always been my area of improvements. I can confidently say that am proud to further my writing career and equip myself with skills in the English language.

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