studies on third world

According to Howard, Huntington described the revolution as a rapid and violent series of internal changes in the government and social structure of a specific society. This also necessitated a change of leadership. According to the description above, the American Revolution is political. This is attributable to the fact that thirteen American states achieved independence from the British during this time period (Handelman 32). When introduced in third-world nations, modernization poses a number of problems. This has aided underdevelopment rather than development in third-world countries. The modernization theory finds it difficult to function in these countries because of the dependency theory. Third world countries cannot be self-independent when the developed nations are exploiting their raw materials and thus weakening their economies. Other theories such as the free trade theory have also tried to explain the poverty level in third world countries. This works in a way that developed countries seek to lower their import barriers so that third world countries can easily access their markets (Acemoglu and Robinson 72). Question 4 To ensure the participation of women in the decision-making of the state affairs, I would put in places the following policies. The first one would be the proportional representation system. This system would ensure parties balance their electoral post, which would bring about gender equality and thus women would be involved in decision making of the state. The second policy is I would create women representative electoral posts for them to participate in the state affairs. The last plan is exemption women from party nominations, which would ensure they participated in the main elections (Handelman 54). Question 5 Acemoglu and Robinson have put most emphasis on institutions because they believed that the presence of an absolutist sovereign authority increases economic growth. The rapid economic growth in England is linked to the theory of institutions. Acemoglu and Robinson also agree that apart from institutions, culture and the leaders’ ignorance contribute to economic growth (Acemoglu and Robinson 42).

Works cited

Acemoglu, Daron and James Robinson. The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty.Why Nations Fail. New York: Crown Business, 2012. Handelman, Howard. The Challenges of the Developing World. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2017.

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