Spying on Us video

The Safety of Americans and Intrusion into Citizen's Lives

The video first elicits concerns about the safety of Americans from the danger of the terrorists. The first reaction to the video is, therefore, acceptance of the fact that Americans deserve protection by the federal and state governments. However, on the strategies used by the government to provide security intrude into the lives of citizens. Citizens want the government to get involved in their lives as long as it does not disrupt their normal life in society. It is a common assumption among citizens that the government has advanced strategies of dealing with security issues. However, this is not always the case. From the video "spying on us," the approach suggested of coping with the predicted terror attacks are likely to intrude the space of innocent citizens.

Enhancing Insecurity and Mistrust Among Citizens

The video makes a compelling argument for spying on one another. Treating all citizens as potential terrorists is likely to enhance a state of insecurity and mistrust among citizens. The scenario arises because people begin suspecting others in social networks of criminal plans. Obtaining data on all citizens or occupants of recreational facilities is an intrusive surveillance strategy. It may be argued that citizens should feel secure under a government that can predict crime before its occurrence. However, better mechanisms have to be used to prevent such incidents. The government should always be watchful and not only raise concerns at the last minute. Being ever ready means the security agencies have enough time to plan for remedies in case of any threat to the national and state security.

Spying as an Invasion of Privacy and Safeguarding Americans

The concerns addressed in the video reflect deviance from two dimensions. Terrorists can be classified under rebels in the analysis of deviance in the society. Deviance encompasses crime. Therefore, the government tries to seek remedies against terrorism before the occurrence. The government, however, approaches the issue in an unusual way. It labels all citizens by extraction of personal information which should be private. The strategy is contrary to the duty of the government to protect the citizens and enhance physical and psychological security. Consequently, it can be concluded that the practice of spying invades the American right to privacy whereas safeguarding Americans during critical and scary situations.

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