Social Responsibility

It is said that it is better to learn from other people’s mistakes as opposed to struggling your own. While the statement has some truth in it, it is unfortunate that curiosity pushes an individual into doing things that result in negative consequences. Life is a journey full of lessons and the mistakes a person makes along the way teaches a person different virtues. The virtues help shape a person into a responsible and decent adult. Behavior refers to the way an individual conducts himself or herself towards others (Fern, 2013). It also refers to one’s response to stimuli. The society shapes a person and influence’s their behavior. It is through social interactions that one acquires certain trait which can either be negative, socially unacceptable, or positive, socially acceptable.  Social responsibility demands that a person’s actions should befit the entire society to promote peace and cohesion. Actions are said to be socially irresponsible if they affect other members of the society or pose danger to the environment.

Growing up, my parents ensured I got the essential things in life. They worked hard to put food on the day, ensure I had a roof over my head and nice clothes to wear. I admired my parents and I viewed them as the best role models one could ever have. We always had family meetings and my parents emphasized on the importance of having good behavior. They had a way of packaging and passing information in a way I could understand and whenever they referred to good behavior I understood what they meant. I promised myself to obey my parents as I did not want to see them hurt. However, I was not a perfect child and many times I found myself in the wrong, doing the exact opposite of what I promised myself. It hurt seeing my parents hurt because of my actions but what hurt even more were the consequences of my actions. Though my parents never raised a finger to hit me, I had to spend time at a corner they referred to as the discipline corner where I would sit and think through my actions. This helped me think about my actions and make amends where necessary. I must admit I hated being disciplined and whenever my parents did it, I felt angry and wanted to fight back. Other times, I thought they disciplined me because they hated me, however, later in life; I came to realize that they did it for my own good. My parents wanted to instill in me the right virtues, those that would make me socially responsible and allow me to interact with people. I have grown to appreciate my parents’ efforts even though I never enjoyed the manner in which the discipline was instilled in me.  

I have never forgotten one particular incident which occurred when I was eight years old. My mother and I left home and went to the supermarket to get some house items. I loved going shopping with my parents as I got to pick my favorite snacks as well. They always prepared a shopping list before we left the house and this helped ensure we pick all the things we needed without forgetting any.  My parents were strict, and that meant that we only picked what was on the list. My favorite snacks were also included on the list and this made me look forward to the shopping experience. On this particular day, I helped my mother prepare a shopping list. However, she refused to include one of my favorite snacks on the list, candies. I begged. I pleaded. I cried my heart just so she could include the candies in the list but that did not happen. My mother refused to take the bait and my efforts bore no fruit. The fact that the candies were missing from the list meant that I could not get to enjoy my favorite snack. Even with the disappointment, I still wanted to join my mother for shopping. I dressed up, and off we left for the supermarket. When we arrived at the supermarket, we took the shopping trolley as usual and headed to the different shelves to pick the items. The items included a packet of milk, a loaf of bread, cereals, and toiletries among other things. We filled the trolley with all the necessities and headed for the counter to pay for the goods.

On our way to the counter, I caught a glimpse of my favorite snacks, candies.  I tried to resist the feeling and even focus more on the trolley which was ahead on me but the desire to have a piece of the candy in the mouth overcame me. I noticed that my mother was engrossed on counter checking the items on the trolleys against those on the list. I walked to the shelves holding the candies and I grabbed one as fast as I could. I was scared and excited at the same time, I knew my mother would not budge, and there was no way she was going to pay for candy which was not even on the list. I walked towards her, a part of me wanted to return the candy on the shelf but another part wanted to have a taste of it. As I walked towards my mother, I slipped the candy into my pocket and my acted innocent just so my mother would no suspect me. The items were packed in shopping bags and my mother paid for the goods. At this I was elated because no one had seen me, so I thought. It was on our way out of the supermarket that the worst happened.

I remember hearing a certain sound, similar to that of a siren as my mother and I headed out of the supermarket. Oblivious of what was going on, I kept walking, heading for the exit. However, two supermarket attendees headed towards my mother and they asked that they search out bags. I could tell my mother was not happy about the idea but she accepted it.  Our bags were searched but nothing was found, the attendees then turned to me and asked that they search me. I was scared because I knew what I had done. I looked at my mother and she stared back with a stern face. Before they could even search my ting being, my slid my hand into pockets and handed the attendees the candy. My mother was shocked; I could tell this judging from the way she reacted after I handed over the candy to the supermarket attendees. She was forced to pay for the candy so that we could be allowed to leave the premises. I was embarrassed and so was my mother. Our drive home was quiet and I was scared of what could happen when we got home. As usual, my mother helped me realize my mistakes by having me explain why I chose to steal candy from the supermarket. After the session, I was sent to my usual discipline corner. It was at the corner that I realized that my actions were wrong. I should have resisted the urge and obeyed my mother all. All that would not have happened. I realized that one does not always get what they want. I learned to be accountable and take responsibility for my actions.

Discernment is a virtue that one learns or acquires as they grow up. It refers to the ability to differentiate between right and wrong and it is achieved through social interaction and through the virtues instilled in a person when growing up. In every society, there are virtues which are considered right while others are considered wrong (Lee, 2018). Social responsibility refers to acting in an ethical manner where the entire society benefits. Ethics refer to the principles that govern a person’s behavior. Ethics lay a foundation for social responsibility (Fern, 2013). From the story described above, my actions were not ethical. I wronged the supermarket attendees and my mother. My actions were socially irresponsible as I angered others along the way. Ethics enhance social interactions and cohesion (Lee, 2018). It promotes peace and ensures that people live in harmony. However, it is normal to make mistakes along the way. People may end up hurt. The most important thing is the lesson learned which helps make a person better.


Fern, A. (2013, June 14). Why Discipline Is Essential To Your Character. Retrieved from

Lee, K. (2018, March 12). Find out Why Children Need Discipline. Retrieved from

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