Social Exclusion in Rural Areas in Australia

Social exclusion is a significant problem experienced by women living in the rural areas in Australia. The problem is mainly affecting people with disabilities, school drop-outs, non-English speaking immigrants and single parents (Force 2006, p. 45). What is even worse is that they fear to access community programs due to fear that others will judge them. Therefore, there is the need to address this problem by encouraging the affected women to access these free services and conquer social isolation and avoid this issue being carried forwards to children.

The proposed solution is connecting the affected women to services and programs that already exist that aim at combating the issue of social exclusion among women. The focus should be on linking these women to established services in town. This link is created by ensuring mothers right from when they give birth, are encouraged and made aware by the local hospitals of the ‘Reach Out’ programs in the community that reduce social isolation (Van Domelen 2007). These women can also be informed about the services through social media platforms, which will reach out to the shy women.  Also, children who are socially excluded can be assisted through group activities after school.    

How the Solution Addresses or Alleviates Social Exclusion

The issue of social isolation can affect everyone but mostly reported among specific groups such as those in low-income homes. Therefore, ‘Reach Out’ programs aimed at addressing or alleviating social exclusion can eliminate pains experienced in the community (Reid 2017, p. 32). The initiative will help in building self-confidence and skills among women and children participating in the local programs such as workshops, which can improve their confidence and develop interpersonal skills as well as team-working and other transferable skills. 

The ‘Reach Out’ programs will also enhance the identity and self-esteem of the attendees through projects that promote contribution to cultural activities. Involvement in the labor market can increase sense of identity for people at risk of isolation such as minority ethnic groups, disadvantaged and disabled people (Strathdee 2017). Also, local initiatives can help overcome discrimination and cultural diversity. For instance, dance and language classes can promote immigration integration though celebrating diverse cultures. Finally, local programs such as drama workshops, digital media training, and music centers can inspire employments in different industries.   

How the Solution Deliver Gains to the Health Manager

The health manager hopes that women in the rural area can access to the local programs, which can help them connect with the other people in the society and reduce further exclusion. The '‘Reach Out’' programs will help excluded people to unite and figure out as a group the way they can socialize with others in the community (Force 2006). Also, through the programs, the affected people will learn interpersonal skills and access services that can help in seeking several employment opportunities.


The immense diversity and richness of cultures and economic factors in Australia have contributed to increased social exclusion among women in the rural areas. Therefore, there is the need to improve appreciation and awareness among women at the local level about the community programs that can eliminate social exclusion. With the technological advancement, more shy women can be informed through the social media platforms about the importance attending the programs to gain employment opportunities and social with others. Also, women can be told about the '‘Reach Out’' programs in their local hospitals, especially when giving birth to avoid social exclusion from moving through generations.

These programs where affected women can meet other people and learn different skills offer various benefits and one of them is building their self-confidence, self-esteem, and sense of identity when involved in activities that develop transferable skills and promote cultural practices. The other benefit is local programs help overcome discrimination of the disadvantaged people as they gain skills that help them get jobs and encourage socialization with the others in the community. Consequently, the health manager will eventually achieve his or her goal of increasing socialization and connection of the excluded with the others in the society.

References List

Force, S.E.T., 2006. Reaching out: An action plan on social exclusion. London:

Cabinet Office.

Reid, C., 2017. The wounds of exclusion: Poverty, women’s health, and social justice. New York: Routledge.

Strathdee, R., 2017. Social exclusion and the remaking of social networks. New York: Routledge.

Van Domelen, J., 2007. Reaching the poor and vulnerable: Targeting strategies for social funds and other community-driven programs. Network HD. Washington DC: World Bank, pp.1-52.

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