Selena Quintanilla Facts

After her death, Selena quickly became a cross-over star

and her legacy is cultivated even today, thanks to her fans and countless admirers. While her family carefully cultivates the myth of Selena, fans have questioned the extent to which they are attempting to control her legacy. Selena: The Series is executive produced by her 82-year-old father, Abraham Quintanilla. The series returns for its second season on May 4.

Selena y los dinos

American Tejano band Selena y Los Dinos formed in 1981. The band featured singer Selena Quintanilla, and remained together until 1995. The band was disbanded, however, after the singer was found dead in 1995. This tragic incident led to a long period of obscurity for the band. Listed below are some facts about the band and some of its most memorable hits.

Originally, the group consisted of Abraham and his siblings

Abraham and his brother Abraham junior had played in the band Los Dinos for many years. Eventually, they decided to turn the band professional and perform at weddings and other events. Although the band went through tough times at first, the group began gaining more popularity in the United States in the 1980s. Their music became popular in American cities, and the band won several awards, including the Tejano Music Award.

Abraham began performing with the band, and his sons took up drums and bass instruments

The band's name was taken from a previous group. The band's first album was released in 1984. It was the first primarily Spanish-language album to reach the top of the U.S. Billboard 200 chart. Despite the album's popularity, it remains one of the best-selling Latin albums of all time.

After Selena y Los Dinos' debut album, "Se Acabo Aquel Amor," the group's most popular track, was recorded when she was only 12 years old. The song was produced by Selena's father and older brother. The album had ten tracks, and was released under an independent South Texas studio label. A few years later, "Contigo Quiero Estar" made the Top 10 Hot Latin Tracks chart.

While Selena Quintanilla's career in music has flourished since the early 1980s, her parents' struggles have remained a challenge. The family's financial situation made bookings difficult, but after a successful audition, she was discovered by her father and landed a record deal with EMI Latin. Her brother also became her songwriter and producer.

When the group was still young, Selena and her band members first appeared on the soundtrack to the Netflix series "Bailé Esta Cumbia." After the singer's death, Abraham Quintanilla, the band's manager, was also killed in the murder. This tragic incident forced the band to change their direction and reunite, and their music has continued to inspire countless fans.

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