Role of Women in Society

In the recent past, the traditional gender patterns on the roles and work of women and men in society have been changing rapidly. It can be seen that women are replacing men in paid employment positions and they have been proving to be more accomplished workers, more talented and well attuned to the knowledge that is required in the paid positions. Some of the forces which have made women to pull out of their homes and change their traditional roles to take up paid employment include; the rising levels of education in the society. The government and other organizations have set aside a lot of resources towards the establishment of educational institutions and promoted education for each person especially women (Krahn 174). Women have been able to gain knowledge that they can use in securing employment. Education has also made women be more open-minded, they can look for opportunities in other fields which have been a preserve for men in the past. Another force that has made the women pull out of their homes is the increasing job opportunities and options available; there are many employment opportunities that can be taken up by women in the modern world.  

            Family forms have also changed in the recent past, in some families, women are the sole breadwinners of the families, because of this, they have to take up the paid employment opportunities so that they can provide for their families. Economic realities have also changed, women need to take up employment opportunities so that they can also lead a comfortable life. Women practice laws have also been improved over time (Canadian Women's History n.p). This has protected the women and allowed them to get more paid employment opportunities.

Question 1. B)

            The domestic division of labor was created to attempt and show the significance of the unpaid work that women did in homes. In this case, women work in the second shift or have to carry a double burden because, after work, they have other work which is unpaid and that they have to do at their homes (Sullivan 2). To improve the balance between work and family, women need to be created clear work schedules so that they can be able to complete their tasks without feeling that they are burdened. Men also need to help the women doing work at home.

Works Cited

"Canadian Women's History | Public Service Alliance of Canada." N.p., 2018. Web. 15 Nov. 2018.

Krahn, Ch. 6, “Gender and Paid Employment,” pp 173-200 & 208-213.

Sullivan, Oriel. "Division of Labor, Domestic." The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies (2016): 1-2.

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