Remittances, Social Entrepreneurship, and The United Nations Millennium Development Goals

One of the best examples of non-profit organizations is the American Heart Association (AHA). It was established in 1924 (American Heart Association, n.d.). The primary objective of AHA is to eradicate deaths caused by stroke and heart diseases. AHA might benefit by considering several key terms and concepts, namely remittances, social entrepreneur, and the United Nations (UN) Millennium Development Goals.

Remittances are money sent to a particular individual or organization as a payment, gift, or donation. In particular, it involves sending money across the borders, which is economically significant for the receiver countries. Social entrepreneur entails establishing an organization with the objective of solving various problems or fostering positive change (Weicht & Dajani, 2018). For example, AHA was introduced to reduce the number of deaths emanating from stroke and cardiovascular diseases. Social entrepreneurship attracts attention from different sectors since it commonly entails improving the welfare of people. Moreover, UN Millennium Development Goals involve eight objectives that if fulfilled would enable the global population to live healthily. They include combating women discrimination, illiteracy, child mortality, poverty, diseases, hunger, environmental degradation, and encourage global partnership as well as improve maternal health.

AHA can significantly benefit by observing the above three concepts. First, a proper understanding of remittances would enable the non-profit organization to create a platform for receiving donations from every part of the world. Specifically, AHA does not only help the Americans but also offers help to other countries across the globe. The developed platform would also help AHA to donate money and resources to its target population without difficulties. AHA can also benefit by understanding remittances since it will collect funds from different countries on one platform, which makes it easy to know the amount of the money available. Thus, AHA would choose wisely the projects to start and the ones to postpone. Second, social entrepreneurship would enable the firm to come up with activities or programs that promote people’s health. For instance, AHA can introduce a program dealing with regular physical activities and come up with a theme to encourage a healthy heart. In reality, some of the heart problems are associated with obesity. Therefore, engaging in physical exercises would eradicate obesity, hence reducing heart complications in the long run. Third, understanding the UN Millennium Development Goals will enable AHA to contribute to goal number six, which is to combat diseases (World Health Organization, 2018). In this case, AHA should focus on eradicating stroke and cardiovascular diseases, which aligns with its mission. Overall, the three concepts would facilitate the operations of AHA.

The application of remittances, social entrepreneur, and the UN Millennium Development Goals comply with the AHA organizational design. Most importantly, it aligns with God’s purpose to improve human welfare by reducing diseases. AHA plays a vital role in eradicating heart diseases and stroke. In other words, it continues God’s creation by saving many lives on the planet. Were it not for AHA, many people who cannot cater for the high cost of treatment would have died. Also, the scientific research done by specialists from this non-profit organization is published on open sources where people can see it and change their behaviors accordingly.

To conclude, the concepts of remittances, social entrepreneur, and the UN Millennium Development Goals will enable AHA to improve its operations. In particular, the organization will implement activities that promote human welfare and donate to those in need without hardship. Furthermore, AHA will make significant contributions to reducing diseases, which is one of the objectives of the UN Millennium Development Goals.


American Heart Association (n.d.). Our lifesaving history. Retrieved from

Weicht, R., & Dajani, R. (2018). 6 steps to becoming a successful social entrepreneur. World Economic Forum. Retrieved from

World Health Organization (2018). Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Retrieved from

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