Pure Goodness Organic Pet Food

The SNHU Pet Supply and the Launch of a New Eco-Friendly Pet Food

The SNHU pet supply will be launching a new eco-friendly, nutritious, and organic food this spring. The firm is an established pet supply and pet food with an existing online store. The company has also established a closer relationship with numerous retailers. The organization is currently focused on identifying the most appropriate niche from the market, this will help in expanding the market share. The company will be introducing 'Pure goodness' an all-natural pet food. Pure Goodness is a superior pet commodity that will cost a little more than the competitors because of its healthy qualities. All the ingredients in the product are organic. The business has strived to avoid hormones, antibiotics, and pesticides.

The Benefits of Simply Natural Pet Food

The simply natural is what most of the pets enjoy and like eating. The natural foods are also good for their health. The target consumers will benefit from the health qualities that the commodities provide. The product is likely to get referrals because of the quality it presents. The company anticipates a higher demand when the commodities will be introduced in the target market.

Target Market

The target market for the Pure Goodness is the suburbs of Santa Clarita in California. The market entails mainly young family comprising of upper-middle-class single incomes with stay-at-home mothers. Most of the members who reside in this location have a college degree. The legendary soccer moms are plentiful in this location, with parents being label-obsessed and kid-obsessed (DADS, 2018). Most of the families in Santa Clarita are health conscious; they buy organic products and put in place greater value in feeding the families. In addition, they provide great care to their pets. The Pure Goodness is likely to sell in this market because it is organic nature.

Promoting Pure Goodness to the Target Market

The target market that has been described above will look beyond the basic need of taking care of their pets. The families that reside in this location love their families, including pets. The group of consumers always like demonstrating their financial success to the peers, by being public about most of the high-end services and brands they acquire. People who own pets take them to the groomers and vets on a regular basis. Most of the individuals will not be bothered with the price when giving their pet’s proper care ("Location Strategy", 2018). Pure Goodness is likely to appeal to this class of individuals. The pure organic content of the pet food will provide this consumer with the quality they desire. When the company is branding and packaging the commodities, an emphasis will be placed on delivering an upscale message that informs consumers about the health benefits of the commodity (Armstrong & Kotler, 2015). A slightly higher price for the brand is best because most consumers will understand that the product is superior when compared to the rest. The higher price will be critical in promoting the message the pet food is the best when compared to what competitors offer.

Pure Goodness: The Ideal Pet Food for Santa Clarita’s Residents

Pure Goodness natural pet food is the ideal match for Santa Clarita’s residents. By appealing to the middle and upper-class young families, the organization aims to provide the best for the residents. The availability of demand in this area will see the sales of Pure Goodness rise. It is expected that the sales of Pure Goodness can rise above that of the competitor within a few weeks of launch.


Armstrong, G., " Kotler, P. (2015). Marketing: An introduction (12th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

(DADS), D. (2018). American FactFinder - Community Facts. Retrieved from https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/community_facts.xhtml

Location Strategy. (2018). Retrieved from http://webapps-cdn.esri.com/Apps/location-strategy-for-business/#/insights

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