My Interest in Dental Hygiene

My Interest in Dental Hygiene

My interest in exploring the world of dental hygiene started way back from my early childhood. I can remember vividly how my mother would follow me to check whether I had brushed my teeth well. It was then not all that important to me, and I thought that my mum was too strict with me. However, after learning so much about dental health at school, I gradually started developing an interest in fathoming more about dental concepts and health-related issues about the hygiene of the teeth. It would later see me perform well in all science-related subject and specific topics relating to teeth hygiene. After my teacher took note of my resilient love for at learning more about dental sciences, he would offer more reading materials on the same for more understanding of how the teeth work, and all that needs to be done to maintain the health of the teeth. I found the reading materials exciting and captivating something that prompted me to think of later pursuing the discipline of dental hygiene seriously than in life.

Choosing a University for Dental Hygiene

After completing my high school, it was time for me to settle for a university that had a good program for dental hygiene. The process of looking for a university that had a good and apt plan on dental health proved difficult. The difficulty was attributed to the fact there are so many other universities that are offering the same program. Nevertheless, not all of them were offering the program on dental hygiene that I need. The ones that provided the program did not have specific related facilities and training that I was looking forward to getting. After a comprehensive search all over the internet and consulting various friends, I settled for Southern University at Shreveport, Louisiana. My parent agreed that they were going to give me all the support that I need.

Reasons for Choosing Southern University at Shreveport

Many factors made me settle for Southern University at Shreveport Louisiana. Since I was looking for an ideal institution that would help me propel my learning experience a notch higher, I found out that this university had a team of well-experienced professors that have vast knowledge in the discipline of dental hygiene. Well, I have been looking forward to joining a group of colleagues who are like minded and have the same passion for pursuing dental hygiene program, and this is one place that has all that. Also, my desire to learn in an institution where my learning experience would be linked to the job market is what made me find the university the right place for me. It is always my conviction that there is a huge need to have a link between the theoretical concepts in university and what is expected in the job market. There are also many practical pieces of training in the field that I believe is very important in shaping my experience in the area.

Looking Ahead

I am looking forward to joining the program in the institution and make a positive impact in contributing to the improvement of the program and sharing my insights with the rest in positively advancing the objectives and goals of the program. Also, I believe this will be a journey to realization of my career later in the field of dental health.

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