Interview with US Snowboarder Chloe Kim

Every athlete dreams of competing in the Olympics and winning a gold medal. The games are the hallmark of athleticism where the spirit of patriotism manifests itself more than in any other event. The Winter Olympics are currently underway in Pyeong Chang, South Korea. I interviewed US snowboarder Chloe Kim after the completion of snowboard events to get up close and personal with her.  She has captured the imagination of the world by winning three Olympic Games and completely dominating the competition. Below is the excerpt of the interview;

Interviewer: Who is Chloe Kim?


I am a Korean- American teenager born in Long Beach, California. I am 17 years and currently participating in halfpipe snowboarding at Pyeongchang, South Korea.

Interviewer: Three Olympic gold medals in halfpipe at 17! How do you feel?

Kim: It has been insane! I feel excited but humbled at the same time. It is my dreams come true. I want to thank my father, my sponsors and Olympic organizers for the opportunity to be where I am.

Interviewer: What is the secret to your success at such a young age?


Hard work, commitment, determination, and focus. Talent is not a substitute for hard work.

Interviewer: I see a couple of your relatives in the stands. How has your family shaped you both as a person and a professional athlete?

Kim: Yes, my parents, grandparents and cousins are all here to support. The family has made me develop into a young person with unquestionable moral values. My father is my mentor, trainer and confidant. He left his job 10 years ago to support my dreams in snowboarding. That ultimate sacrifice by my father drives me to give my best both in sport, school and any endeavour that I undertake.

Interviewer: How do you balance snowboarding and school?

Kim: My father allows me to only train after doing my assignments in time because good grades are crucial. It requires a commitment to balance both.

Interviewer: Describe yourself in three words.

Kim: Am a go-getter, ambitious and humble

Interviewer: Who are your current sponsors and how hard is it as a young person to land lucrative sports sponsorship?

Kim: I am currently working with Nike, Mondelez and Toyota. It is difficult but I thank God am surrounded by a team of professionals who worked hard to ensure that I got sponsors.

Interviewer: Which social media platforms are active on?

Kim: I like Instagram and Twitter


Which are your favorite video streaming sites?


Hulu and Spotify

Interviewer: What next after the Winter Olympics?

Kim: Finish high school and graduate and more snowboarding (Laughs).

Chloe Kim Profile

Watching her slowly lick her ice-cream before the competition only got me more intrigued by a petite young woman who looked distant but focused. There were cheers everywhere as she waited for her turn on the snow. Gracefully she moved to the starting point her snowboard in hand. She is a petite woman but exudes power in her performances. She naturally and effortless executes her halfpipe routine with accuracy and superb landing on the snow. Chloe Kim makes snowboarding look easy but doesn't hide the fact that it requires focus, athletism and inner drive together with a lot of practice to pull off her tricks. As the judges score her routine and announce her winner, I can now see why she is likened to her fellow male snowboarder, Shaun White.

It is clear that athletes like Chloe Kim work very hard to be the best when they participate in the Olympics. However, one cannot dismiss the pressure on such a young person and the burden to perform beyond expectations.

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