How Do Self-Reliant Women View Motherhood?

How does self-reliance women’s ideas about motherhood contradict cultural standards of “good mothering”?

The self-reliance women have a different perspective of motherhood that is contradictory to the traditional ways. For instance, the women who seek self-reliance have shifted from full motherhood to employed mothers as they try to be financially independent. They correlate their financial status to the ability to rear children. Consequently, some like Catherine have decided to postpone childbearing to a later age when they are financially stable (Gerson 142). Additionally, the idea of complete family has also changed, and some women do not mind to be single mothers if the Mr. Right does not come in their lives. As a result, self-reliant have separated marriage and motherhood. The cultural standards of mothering call for full-time motherhood, rearing of children within marriages and fathers being the breadwinners, which are contrary to what self-reliant women present.

Why do some women not want self-reliance? What prompted their decisions and how do these women view self-reliant women?

Self-reliance presents attractive features such as career advancement and financial independence, but a portion of women still stick to domesticity. The primary concern of these women is that they do not want to succumb to loneliness. For instance, Lauren has seen how bitter her boss is after choosing her career over a relationship. Another aspect sticking these women to domesticity is the need to avoid overload. Research indicates that women who combined working and childbearing experience work overload and had an estimate of 71 working hours compared to non-working with 52 hours (Gerson 150). This minority group of women has a different outlook on self-reliance. According to Janet, self-reliance poses a long-run danger and she pities who boss who is 42 with no kids or a family and longs to be with a man (Gerson 149). To them, women who embraced self-reliance are not an inspiration but constant warning of the shortcoming of putting work ahead of family.

What Prompted Men to Fall Back on Autonomy?

Most men in the current world fall back to autonomy due to economic strive. Accordingly, the majority of the men interviewed has no hope in the American dream. Economic uncertainty and low payments from regimented jobs push men to settle for autonomy as compared to independent women. Men use autonomy as a ticket to freedom from family financial responsibilities while women see it see it as a way to financial independence. Consequently, the lack of jobs and low salaries lead to men postponing marriage. The research found that a considerable percentage of the men interviewed preferred to marry late to a woman who can do everything due to financial problem.

How Do Modern Men View Marriage, Suitable Partners, and Family?

The institution of marriage is perceived as a means to complete manhood. On the list of necessities, these men put marriage at the lowest and further sets very high standards in achieving. Furthermore, autonomous men vie marriage not just as a legal issue but also on commitment level. Setting a high standard while seeking a mate to avoiding making the wrong choice. Among the established criteria, is searching for a self-sufficient partner who will make their marriage life easier. However, postponing marriage for autonomous men lasts for a long time due to the love of freedom. Mixed feelings about fatherhood, make autonomous men delaying both marriage and parenthood

Works cited

Gerson, Kathleen. The unfinished revolution: Coming of age in a new era of gender, work, and family. Oxford University Press, 2011.

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