Homelessness Challenge, Statistics, and Solution

Give our people shelter as part of exercising humanity

Providing a home for the larger population of people who face homeless in Unites States would mean bringing a smile to them.

The issue of homelessness in the world’s wealthiest nation is shameful and shocking.

It is enshrined in the constitution as a basic right to all.

All human beings deserve to live a modest life with all the basic needs being met.

It’s interesting that 25% of the people who are homeless have got a job the only challenge is that they cannot afford the cost of housing.

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A Home would mean a smile Together!

We Can Finally be Home Together

It’s a Challenge for all the People

The Population that’s Homeless

Approximately 24% of all the population in the U.S are homeless. This translates to 553,742 people and a 1% rises from the data in 2016.

Homeless Means?

It means that an individual has got no permanent and safe place of residence. Some live with friends, families and in motels.

Homelessness Challenge, Statistics, and Solution

There ought to be some quick measures taken since the population growth in cities seems to be higher than the number of homes being built.



Because we know that the only true end to homelessness is a safe and stable place to call home – US Council Interagency on Homelessness

Home, Together!

The council aims at reducing 13% of homelessness in the entire nation, 27% reduction in the family homelessness, the chronic homelessness to be reduced by 18% while the veteran by 46%.

It’s your initiative, my initiative and our initiative to reduce homelessness in US and should not be left only for the government.

Works Cited

National Alliance to End Homelessness. State of Homelessness - National Alliance to End Homelessness (2017). Retrieved from https://endhomelessness.org/homelessness-in-america/homelessness-statistics/state-of-homelessness-report/

The Week. America's homelessness crisis (2018, March 11). Retrieved from https://theweek.com/articles/759683/americas-homelessness-crisis

United States Interagency Council on Homelessness. Home, Together | United States Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH). (2018, July 19). Retrieved from https://www.usich.gov/home-together/

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