Hanuman - The God of Courage and Strength

Hanuman is a legendary Indian god known for his courage and strength. He is a devout Hindu devotee of Lord Rama and the hero of the Indian epic Ramayana. He is also a major figure in Buddhist mythology. He is a popular figure among Buddhists in Central, Southeast and East Asia.

Hanuman was born as the son of Vayu, the god of wind, and Anjana Sundari, a celestial nymph. He is said to be invincible and immortal and was given numerous boons by Brahma, Indra and Varuna.

He is a fearsome fighter and an excellent strategist, but his strength and skill are not always used for good purposes. He often gets in the way of his own plans, causing a lot of trouble.

Despite this, he has never lost his devotion to his master. When Rama and his brother Lakshmana are exiled from their kingdom of Ayodhya, he is sent by Sugriva to find out their true identity. After confirming the two brothers' identity, he agrees to help them reunite with their missing wife Sita in return for being made King of Kishkindha and helping them defeat Ravana.

His mighty leaps are celebrated around the world. One such leap is said to have taken Hanuman across the ocean, from India to Lanka, in order to comfort Sita. Another famous feat was to slay the crocodile Makardhwaja that was guarding Ahiravana's kingdom of Patala.

In fact, Hanuman was so powerful that he could withstand even the most deadly weapons. He was also blessed with the power to change his form at will and to travel anywhere he desired.

He was so devoted to Rama and Sita that he became Rama's favourite general. He helped Rama destroy the demon king Ravana and bring Sita back from Lanka. He also helped the Pandavas fight off the evil Demon.

Hanuman's greatness was also known to other deities in the universe. Shiva, for example, was jealous of Hanuman's steadfastness and his innate ability to be humble. In order to remind him of his divine origin and purpose, his devotees chanted the Hanuman Chalisa.

The Hanuman Chalisa is a prayer that focuses on the virtues of Hanuman, including his bravery, strength, and selflessness. It is recited every day by Hindus. It is considered to be a supplication that Hanuman's immense power be used for the benefit of humanity.

It is believed that Hanuman's chanting of the chalisa makes him receptive to his devotees' wishes. His devotees therefore seek his assistance in a variety of ways.

They pray to Hanuman for strength, protection and victory in battle. They also ask for help in overcoming sorrow and suffering.

His talismans and charms are a popular way to attract his blessings. They are made from metal or wood and are usually decorated with a variety of inscriptions. They are placed on the wrist or ankle and come in a variety of sizes.

Hanuman is the hero of many stories and he has a number of different names. Some of these names relate to his incarnations and others to the events in the Ramayana.

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