Green Belt Movement International

The Green Belt Movement International

The Green Belt Movement International is an environmental organization dedicated to empowering communities to preserve the environment and enhance livelihoods, particularly targeting women. The exigence of this paper is to understand the movement, the participants in the movement, as well as explain the manner in which this particular organization handles its operations. By studying this preliminary report, the reader should comprehend what the Green Belt Movement is all about, describe its functions and also explain how this community runs its day to day operations.<\/p>


Through research, this report gathers information on how the Green Belt Movement runs its daily operations. This information includes its constituent members or participants, how the organization conducts its conferences or meetings, how this particular community raises revenue and how this revenue is channeled into its projects, the community's achievements, its goals and vision, its impact on the various communities that it has interacted with, and the values of this particular community.<\/p>

The information in this preliminary report was collected from various sources.

Some was gathered from pamphlets and brochures from the community in order to understand its vision, mission and values. These pamphlets and brochures were also very instrumental in providing a brief history of the movement; giving information about its founder, the movements associates, the movement's social media handles and its achievements. A background research was also done on the world wide web in order to establish the community's impact to the environment as well as the societies it has interacted with and to verify the information the community provides as its accomplishments as these achievements need to be tangible and should directly affect the people who have interacted with the Green Belt Movement. Additional information was collected from the organization's website in order to establish the community's future plans. Resourceful information was also gathered from newspaper articles, blog posts and documentaries that have catalogued information about the organizations tree planting activities, the challenges that the community and its founders have faced and overcome as well as confirmation of the presence and impact of the organization on the environment and the different societies that it has interacted with worldwide.<\/p>


The Green Belt Movement is an International non-governmental organization dedicated to the conservation of the environment, building climate resilience, capacity building, as well as community development. It was established by Professor Wangari Maathai, a Nobel Peace Prize winner in 1977. The headquarters of the organization are in Nairobi, Kenya, with international offices in America and Europe. The Green Belt Movement organizes women in rural areas to plant trees, generate revenue, counter deforestation, and prevent soil erosion. The movement also advocates for just economic development. Since the community was founded; it has planted over 51 million trees, trained over 30,000 women in forestry, beekeeping, food processing and other economic activities that help them earn an income as they conserve their resources and land. Communities that have interacted with the movement have been organized and motivated to prevent further environmental destruction and to restore parts of the environment that have been destroyed.\u00a0 The intriguing fact about this community is that it advocates for the planting of trees that require low maintenance and maximum absorption of carbon dioxide and empowers rural communities; especially rural women who are often neglected and financially crippled. The community communicates with its members through eNewsletters, social media pages particularly Facebook and Twitter, meetings and workshops to train participants on how to implement the movement's agendas. The community makes an annual report every year. This report documents all the activities that the movement has undertaken throughout the year and is posted on the movement's website for any interested individual to access.<\/p>

In conclusion

In conclusion, the Green Belt Movement advocates for environmental conservation and encourages communities to raise their wealth using just ways that do not affect the environment negatively. By planting trees, we get to preserve our rivers, encourage sea life, to reduce soil erosion thus increase food production, and curtail global warming. In the sequel reports, we shall focus on the challenges that the movement faces, detailed information about the organization's six core programs, and its future goals as well as its impact on women in rural areas.<\/p>

Work Cited

Michaelson, Marc. "Wangari Maathai and Kenya's Green Belt Movement: Exploring The Evolution And Potentialities Of Consensus Movement Mobilization". Social Problems, vol 41, no. 4, 1994, pp. 540-561. Oxford University Press (OUP), doi:10.1525/sp.1994.41.4.03x0271k.

Cstraight. "The Green Belt Movement". Greenbeltmovement.Org, 2018, Accessed 16 Sept 2018.

"Hub Secretariat | Wpower Hub". Wpower.Uonbi.Ac.Ke, 2018, Accessed 16 Sept 2018.

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