Fun Facts About Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie is an American actress, filmmaker, and humanitarian. She has won numerous accolades and been named Hollywood's highest-paid actress multiple times. You can learn more about her career, humanitarian work, and relationship with Brad Pitt by reading this article. Here are some fun facts about Angelina Jolie.

Angelina jolie's career
Angelina Jolie DCMG has won numerous accolades for her career as an actress, humanitarian, and filmmaker. She has won two Academy Awards, three Golden Globe Awards, and has been named the highest-paid actress in Hollywood more than once. Here's a brief history of Angelina's career.

Angelina Jolie's first major breakthrough came in 1999 with the release of 'The Bone Collector,' co-starring Denzel Washington. Similarly, the next year, Jolie gave a powerful performance in 'Girl, Interrupted,' a film based on a true story about a woman in a psychiatric hospital. Although the film received mixed reviews, Jolie's performance was a highlight.

Angelina Jolie began acting at a young age and studied film at New York University. She then briefly pursued modelling, appearing in music videos and in student films. However, her modelling career did not take off and she was often teased at school due to her thinness and glasses. After winning the Oscar, she went on to star in many hit movies, including George Wallace, Lara Croft Raider, and Shark Tale. As her career grew, she took on more challenging roles and was awarded numerous awards, including the Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actress.

While working on her acting career, Jolie continued to work on her directing abilities. She made her feature-length directorial debut with 'In the Land of Blood and Honey' in 2011. This film is a love story set during the Bosnian civil war. Her second directorial effort, 'Unbroken', was about World War II hero Louis Zamperini. The film was a hit and earned over $163 million worldwide.

Her humanitarian work
Since 2001, Jolie has traveled around the world on humanitarian missions, visiting refugees and internally displaced people. Her latest trip to Haiti saw her visiting earthquake victims. She has also donated funds to the United Nations and other organizations. These efforts have enabled her to build schools for the children in the country.

While shooting Lara Croft: Tomb Raider in Cambodia, Jolie became interested in the humanitarian crisis there. She went on several field missions in the country and also became a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. After the release of the film, Jolie adopted her son Maddox from Cambodia. She has also rescued and adopted children from all over the world.

Jolie and Pitt also support many charities and have donated millions of dollars. Jolie has also teamed up with fellow celebrities to create the Afghan Kites Project, in which she signed a kite to be auctioned off to raise money. Jolie is the primary supporter of the Alliance for the Lost Boys, a nonprofit that helps educate and provide medical care to children living in refugee camps.

Angelina Jolie's humanitarian work is truly impressive. In addition to adopting three children from war-torn countries, she has also made trips to countries where refugees live in unsafe conditions. Her commitment to humanitarian work has made her a highly influential public figure.

Her relationship with Brad Pitt
Angelina Jolie's relationship with Brad Pitt has been a complicated one. They fell in love while filming Mr. and Mrs. Smith and married in 2004. But despite the ups and downs, the couple remained a strong unit for years. And then, in September 2016, they filed for divorce.

It's no wonder that fans of the two actors are curious about their relationship. Luckily, a revealing email from Angelina Jolie resurfaced. It details Pitt's alleged abuse of both her children and of Angelina Jolie herself.

In 2006, Jolie revealed that she was pregnant with Pitt's child. She publicly acknowledged the relationship with People magazine. After the birth of their first child, Angelina welcomed twins, Maddox and Pax, from a couple of different countries. The twins were adopted from Cambodia, Vietnam and Ethiopia.

The conflict between Jolie and Pitt escalated after Pitt allegedly poured beer on her during a private flight. The actress claimed Pitt "poured beer on her" and "wrapped her arms around her neck in a chokehold." The pair later filed for joint custody, but the DCFS and FBI said they found no evidence of abuse. Pitt filed a motion to seal custody-related documents, claiming that announcing details in public would cause unnecessary pain to their kids.

A decade after her divorce from Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie found love again on the set of Mr. & Mrs. Smith, where they played assassins. In 2004, they married. The couple had a lavish wedding in Malibu that cost $1 million and was attended by several friends and fellow stars.

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