Essays on World Population

The issue of World Hunger

By 2050, the world's population is projected to increase from its current level of 7 billion people to over 9 billion, and the largest obstacle to food security is that current predictions for agricultural output make it highly improbable that the population will be adequately fed (De Schutter, 2014). While...

Words: 1573

Pages: 6

The Applied logistics technology

The Role of Logistic Technologies in Aviation and Aerospace Manufacturing The enormous expansion in the global population that travels by air has produced a massive demand for commercial aircraft and aerospace production. This backlog has permitted the production of planes in a timely, efficient, and lucrative manner in order to fulfill...

Words: 365

Pages: 2

Incarceration in the United States

The United States has the highest prison rate in the world The United States has the highest prison rate in the world. Despite a consistent increase in the number of incarcerations around the world, the inmate population in the United States is around 500 inmates per 100,000 people. This is...

Words: 953

Pages: 4

why junk food is so popular

Junk Food Junk food is eaten by a significant proportion of the global population, and the figure is growing as the global population increases. The growth in the urban population has necessitated the manufacture of fast foods. This is the basic justification for fast food restaurants. In fact, this market niche...

Words: 1130

Pages: 5

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