Essays on Space Exploration

Space exploration is a worthy pursuit, and writing a space exploration essay can teach you more about it. Many space exploration essays follow the story of the first cosmonaut in the world, Yuri Gagarin, as he flew around the earth's orbit on April 12, 1961. Since then more than 550 people went to outer space. Another favorite topic for essays on space exploration is Apollo 11 landing on July 20, 1969. Then humanity started the exploration of Venus in 1970 with a spacecraft Venus-7 and Venus-9, Jupiter in 1977 with Galileo, Uranus and Neptune in 1977 with Voyager-2, Saturn in 1997 with Cassini, Mercury with MESSENGER in 2004, Mars with Spirit, Opportunity in 2004 and Curiosity in 2012, Pluto in 2006 with New Horizons. Peruse our space exploration essay samples – we put together the best essay samples on the topic for you to enjoy!

Hubble Space Telescope

Hubble Space Telescope Image Q 1) I can discover four stars from the Hubble space Telescope. Q2) Determining the range of galaxies found in the image. The image was quite small to enable me count number the number of galaxies, therefore I magnified it to have a clear view of...

Words: 1117

Pages: 5

Observing and Studying the Stars

Astronomy is a branch of study that involves the study of bodies of matter and events that occur in outer space. Observational astronomy is a branch of astronomy that deals with the use of telescopes to observe and record the movement and nature of these celestial bodies and other phenomena...

Words: 650

Pages: 3

Cassini Spacecraft

After 20 years in orbit, the Cassini Spacecraft is now able to launch the final step of its discovery. The Cassini would start out on a daring set of orbits, equivalent to a new mission. The Cassini will launch a sequence of 22 weeks of diving between Saturn and the...

Words: 974

Pages: 4

Mars and Psychologists

Mars Exploration and NASA s Research Mankind is formed in such a way that the need for discovery is hard to quench. For a bit, the discovery of Mars is in the pipeline. Since nobody has even gone so far in space, NASA needs to get sufficient details about how its...

Words: 332

Pages: 2

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