Essays on Extinction

about dinosaurs

Dinosaurs are a kind of ancient reptile that lived in this universe about 245 million years ago. Some of the birds that are dinosaurs are modern birds; this is attributed to the fact that they have the same ancestor as the non-avian dinosaurs. Non-avian dinosaurs, which are now extinct, ranged...

Words: 1345

Pages: 5

language extinction and culture loss

1. John McWhorter, a well know linguist, disagrees with most anthropologists regarding the link between language and culture loss. He argues that the loss of a language does NOT equate with the loss of a culture. He presents his views in: What arguments does he put forward in support of his...

Words: 905

Pages: 4

Extinction of Dolphins

The Threats to the Common Dolphin population The common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) is about to get extinct and this is due to a number of reasons. Firstly, all the changes happening to the environment such as temperature affect the amount of prey in the water and makes them disperse to other...

Words: 405

Pages: 2

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