Essays on Byzantine Empire

The Christian Tradition and the Development of Byzantine Art

Late Antiquity Late antiquity was a period of transition, and it was characterized by political climates that were constantly changing, thereby causing shifting tastes in the standards of the society. This period presents a range of artwork which exhibits both a narrative storyline and symbolic imagery, presented as early Christian motifs. There...

Words: 379

Pages: 2

Italy's San Vitale, Ravenna, and the Emperor Justinian and His Attendants, around 547

Because it was produced over a long period of time and spans a number of topographical regions that radiate from Constantinople, the Roman Empire's capital, Byzantine art is difficult to define (Khan Academy, n.d.). Emperor Justinian constructed the mosaics in the cathedral of San Vitale in the sixth century. Emperor...

Words: 2393

Pages: 9

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