farming and Industrialization

Global Industrialization: Opportunities and Risks

Global industrialization poses both opportunities for social advancement and risks to society. It is the action of pooling resources to increase output and the growth of factories and other industries (Carolan, 2016).

Social and Economic Changes

Both the social and economic components of the region have undergone change during this time. As a result, it is among the most crucial instruments for encouraging change in a group of individuals. In a perfect world, it not only ensures food security but also social cohesion.

The Significance of Industrial Farming

The New York Times published an article recently in an effort to clarify the significance of industrial farming in the living environment. On the 23rd day of September 2016, their article explicitly detailed the content of factory farming and the environment. Consequently, factory farming and industrialization present myriad chances of environmental benefits and dangers at the same time.

Benefits of Factory Farming

First, factory farming is the most recent concern in the revolution in the agricultural industrialization posited in the article. It maximizes on the use of artificial means to enhance animal life and plant production. In addition, the approach promotes the safe exploitation of the natural resources in their native content. It not only confines the output to one site in mechanized form but also promotes cohesive exclusive of the production system in the environment. Hence, the system is efficient in economic productivity and sustainability of natural resources.

Time Effectiveness

Moreover, the system portrays time effectiveness. This is because it produces the product in a machine-like environment and promotes timely controlled delivery in the market demand. Therefore, the confinement enhances effectiveness in the management of the herds, as they exist in the industry. I think the industry is one of the cost-oriented approaches in farming. Conventionally, a small piece of land can accommodate a huge number of an animal of different species. Employing the management personnel becomes very easy since the animals can be monitored from a central location.

Environmental Risks

However, this kind of agricultural industrialization endangers the social and human environment. Raising such huge numbers of animals in such confinement produces an extremely high volume of waste that becomes hard to manage (Edison, 2016). Such waste includes the herbicides and the chemicals used for treatment in the animal ranches. Ideally, it produces fast-growing species of animals within a controlled environment. Nevertheless, the constriction of high numbers of animals within such small lands potentially threatens the environmental air. Chances of pollution increase with the confinement as opposed to the spread number of herds in a vast area.

Threats to Air Quality

I think the value of the air quality in such an environment becomes subject to pollution and extortion. Sabotaging such air quality for the sake of agricultural production is highly unethical and may pose the danger of human extinction. Many scholars articulate the current regime of climate change and environmental pollution to the industrialization of every sector in society. People tend to run away from safer traditional means of agriculture because of decreased value of natural resources. Such an article would be an effective platform to enhance the quality of reliable means of industrialization. It should, therefore, focus on strengthening safe approaches employable in the natural environment as opposed to cost-effectiveness. Environmental sustainability is the most critical role of the human race in any society.


Concisely, the move towards factory farming is a debatable aspect of industrialization in agriculture that postulates a contention among the society members. It benefits the economy through enhanced production of food and raw materials. Subsequently, agriculture employs many people and is a source of revenue for the state and individuals.


Carolan, M. (2016). The sociology of food and agriculture. Routledge.

Edison, J. (2016). Why factory farming is good for the environment. New York Times, 50 (7):

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