Did You Know That Eleanor Rigby May Have Inspired The Beatles' "Eleanor Rigby"?

The Beatles' song "Eleanor Rigby"

The Beatles' song "Eleanor Rigby" is a classic example of the group's transition from the pop love songs of their earlier years to more experimental studio-based music. It was written by Paul McCartney in 1965 with a double string quartet arrangement by George Martin and lyrics that conveyed a narrative on loneliness and depression. It was one of the most popular singles from The Beatles' seminal album Revolver, and it is also known as their first "psychedelic" song.

The Inspiration behind "Eleanor Rigby"

'Eleanor Rigby' is a popular Beatles song, but did you know that a real person inspired the song?

A woman who works with music to help people suffering from mental health problems says she has proof that a person named Eleanor Rigby inspired the song. Annie Mawson runs a charity called Sunbeams Trust that uses music to help people with physical and mental health problems, and she wrote to the family of Eleanor Rigby in October 2007 asking for the deeds to her grave, which is buried at St Peter's Churchyard in Woolton.

She sent the document to the church and received a response nine months later. While McCartney still claims that the name and character were fictional, Mawson says she thinks this is proof that there was a real Eleanor Rigby who may have inspired the song.

'Eleanor' is the name of a scullery maid who died in 1939 and was buried in St Peter's Churchyard, Woolton, Liverpool. She is commemorated on a headstone in the churchyard, and it's that memorial that is the inspiration behind Paul McCartney's 'Eleanor Rigby' song.

About the Song

The song was released in 1966 as a double A-side, and it is one of the most famous tracks by The Beatles. It features a double string quartet arrangement and lyrics that tell the story of the lonely characters, Eleanor Rigby and Father McKenzie.

Did you know that the idea for this track was conceived before The Beatles even formed?

The track began as a demo with just the first verse completed, and the rest of the lyrics were suggested by various members of the band. John Lennon, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr all contributed ideas for the 'all the lonely people' line and the 'darning his socks in the night' refrain. The final verse was written by Paul McCartney, and the song is often considered one of the most influential pieces of music ever recorded.

Cover Versions and Popularity

This song has been covered by a number of artists, and some have had successful hits with it. In 1967 Joan Baez had a hit with it, and in 1969 it was covered by Ray Charles. The song was also covered by folk icon Joe Jackson, Kansas, and John Denver.

'Eleanor' remains a perennial favorite among Beatles fans and is one of the most-covered songs by The Beatles. It has also been covered by a number of other artists, including The Rolling Stones and Bob Dylan.

Although 'Eleanor Rigby' was a breakthrough for the band, it wasn't their biggest hit. Their most popular hit, 'Yesterday', remains their biggest-selling single in the UK. However, 'Eleanor Rigby' topped the charts in Australia and Belgium. In addition, it was played on TV shows including The Sopranos and Law & Order. It was also featured on the soundtrack of the movie 'Yesterday' and was released on vinyl.

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