Comparative Analysis of the Writing Skills of the Author in Log 1, Log 2 and Log 3

The three readings (log 1, log 2 and log 3)

The three readings (log 1, log 2 and log 3) depict various elements about the writing skills of the writer. Indeed, it is important to remember that there are multiple elements which should be considered in writing. In the process of determining the advancement of the writing skills of the writer as depicted by the three logs, the visible abilities and abilities manifested in each writing is compared to the standard writing skill regarding the ability of the writer. In connection to this, there are various elements which are visible on comparing and contrasting writing skills in the three essays.

Mistakes in grammar and spelling in log 1

In log 1, there are various mistakes in grammar and spelling something which has been reduced in the second and the third article. Besides, the choice of words in the first essay is immediately evident. The choice of words, in this case, is not good because some of the sentences do not bring out the exact meaning of the intended purpose. In other instances, some of the phrases are supposed to be joined together to explain a particular single idea. In the first essay, some ideas are not well described. Comparing this issue in the second essay, the problem can be said be reduced to a certain level, but in the third essay, most of the sentences have been combined to construct a paragraph which explains a single idea. Though the compositions do not talk about the same thing, most of these elements are evident concerning the ability of the writing skills of the author in the choice of words, the construction of the sentences and the combination of words to form a paragraph which explains a single idea. In this matter, it can be said that there is a significant improvement in the writing skills of the writer.

Improvement in the writer's English writing skills

Secondly, it is also evident that the more the writer writes, the more comfortable for him it becomes to access the English the author is looking for so that it becomes possible for him to look for the correct words to express himself fluently and accurately. The swift improvement of the writing skills depicted by the writer shows that he is active in his first language. The use of strategies of the writer has been transferred to English because the second and the third essay shows a significant improvement of English writing skills within a short time. In the first essay, it is evident that the writer does not demonstrate competence on the basic principles of writing such as incredible content, which is employed in common understanding of the material. However, this does not mean that the first essay does not contain the fundamental principles such as essay structure amongst others, but it implies that when the elements are compared to the next two readings, it is evident that there is some improvement on the structure of the essay.

Reduction of mistakes and improvement in writing skills

Besides, the other visible element which surfaces on the comparison of the three essays is that the writer was not keen in the first essay and this is shown by the number of grammar and spelling mistakes in the article when compared to the other two pieces. The third essay has fewer errors when compared to the second and the first log essays. As a result, it can be said that the writer has developed his writing skills because of the reduction of the grammar and spelling mistakes when the three essays are compared. Besides, the diversification of reference materials in the third essay are more visible in the third and the second essay respectively as compared to the first essay. Moreover, the other essential elements in the three articles are that there is some improvement on the writing skills of the writer because, in the third essay, the writer is clear and concise when this is compared to the second and the first essay. The third essay is brief, the sentences are involved, and some of them are long but very clear when compared to the second and first essay. In this case, it can be said that the writing skills of the writer have improved significantly, it seems that the longer he writes, the more his writing skills improve.


In general, it can be said that the writer has improved his writing skills significantly. In the third essay, the writing is clear, lean, short and precise than when the same is compared to the first essay. The three readings also show that the reader also improves concerning noting his writing. The length of words he uses to describe himself in the first reading is different when the same is compared to the first and second reading, in general, it keeps most of his words short because he just focuses on the main idea. The level of reader's absorption of the content of the writer in the third essay is more manageable as compared to the second and the first essay. I think that the writer is showing a significant development in writing skills. I can recommend the writer needs to reread his work after writing.

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