Ancient Myths of China

A myth is a tale which describes a worldview or the origin of natural, ethnic, or a societal phenomenon that affects a historical case, morally lessons, and supernatural beings. Every country has its myth which shapes the behavior of the citizens. China is one of the nations which has fabulous stories which the citizens celebrate and cherish all the year round. Among the myths celebrated in China are; Nian, Pangu and the creation of the world, Guardian lions, the Dragon, the legend of the white snake. The named myths make Chinese unique and admirable.

Nian Myth - The Chinese New Year Festivity

For instance, Nian myth is a Chinese new year's festivity which is frequently received by a lot of noise. The legend explains a story of an ugly giant which was called Nian, which used to come from the highland and rummage people. The hunting did not last because one day the residents gathered and chased the mammoth away with noise from the drums and fireworks. The giant was surprised and ran but was murdered, and that's how the Chinese rejoice the new year with a lot of clamors.

Pangu and the Creation of the World

Additionally, Pangu and the creation of the world is a myth in which the Chinese attempts to explain the origin of the sphere. According to this mythology, Chinese brings forward that there was a significant bang which occurred when the god Pangu split the egg in which he was slumbering. Therefore, the Yin and the Yang which was contained in the egg detached into the earth and the sky respectively. Hence the fairytale explains to Chinese how the world was formed.

Guardian Lions - The Symbol of Protection

Consequently, the Chinese believe in their defensive supremacies, the Guardian Lions. Erections of lions are put in forward-facing of their houses in pairs. The males are made holding a ball which represents the globe under its paw and the female guarding the lion cub. The Guardian lions, therefore, a myth that acts as simple as protection.

The Dragon - Symbol of Power and Fortune

Furthermore, Chinese believed in a hero whom they named "The Dragon." To them, the Dragon was the most powerful and divine creature which controlled the waters. In China. The dragon was therefore used as a symbol of the emperor to bring luck and good fortune. Legend of the white snake is another mythos in China which signifies overwhelming of obstacles because the snake fell in love with a scholar Xu Xuan and convinced the gods to bless their union.

The Significance of Chinese Myths

Chinese myths regarded as a power of living since they have reality intertwined in it. Besides, China traces its historical roots through the tales which have been shaped by the great religious traditions of Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism. Thus, Chinese myths have a significant role in the lives of the people since they are of substantial and nurtures all the generations in China.

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