Chastity in Religion

Chastity is a virtue in which a person restricts or moderates the indulgence of their sexual appetite. The term is used in the three Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) to refer to a moral state of mind. A chaste person is modest, simple in expression, and acts in accordance with religious moral precepts.

The Catholic Church recognizes chastity as a spiritual and corporal grace that is a gift of God. It is a virtue that can be practiced both individually and within a chaste relationship with others. It is a goal of Catholics to live lives of absolute chastity so that they can focus all of their thoughts and energies on serving God.

Among other things, chastity means that one is a virgin until marriage and engages in sex only with their lawful spouse. In some Christian denominations, chastity also means that a person abstains from all forms of sexual activity outside of marriage.

Christians and Muslims believe that a life of chastity is necessary for a healthy life. This is a way to preserve one's physical and mental health, and also helps keep one's family from becoming dysfunctional as a result of bad behavior.

In Hinduism, chastity is referred to as Brahmacharya and is practiced by monks, nuns and women. It is a spiritual discipline that involves controlling the sex-impulse, conserving the sex-energy and then transmuting it into Ojas or Brahma-tejas (spiritual energy).

This process involves shutting out all holes in one's being that are through which the energy leaks. Then, one practices conservation of the sex-energy through Japa, Kirtan, selfless service, Pranayama, study, vigilance, self-analysis and introspection, as well as Vichara (contemplative prayer).

Chastity is considered a holy virtue that all people are commanded to practice. It is considered to be the highest moral standard for a woman and is honored throughout all of Hindu tradition.

For married couples, chastity is a positive moral standard that teaches them to remember their bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and therefore they should not do anything that would desecratize or destroy that sacred space. It also teaches them to be respectful and gentle to their wives as well as to their children.

The Roman Catholic Church sees chastity as a vital part of spiritual development, and it is a central tenet of its teachings. It is a lifelong task to maintain chastity and it requires both self-discipline and personal sacrifice.

In the modern age, national chastity movements have been developed to teach young adults about the importance of chastity. The largest of these movements is called True Love Waits (TLW). TLW is made up of peers and parents who encourage youth to make a commitment to chastity by promoting frequent meetings, personal testimonials, symbols of commitment and peer pressure.

The practice of chastity is also a requisite for those who serve as ministers and elders, including priests and bishops. It involves not being addicted to alcohol, being loyal to one wife, avoiding the love of money and maintaining an honorable reputation in all ways.

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