Cairo's Culinary Experiences

Cairo is Egypt's capital and largest city, with numerous prominent hotels offering some of the most fascinating evening menus. This paper talks about a normal meal in Cairo, Egypt. It goes into detail on how the meal represents the region in terms of location, culture, human/environmental interactions, and movement.

Traditional Meal at the Four Seasons Hotel

The Four Seasons, one of Cairo's premier hotels, provides the option of a traditional meal. The dinner menu includes an appetizer, soup, first dishes, pizza, risotto, and the main course (Four Seasons, 2017). Vegetarian options are also available.

Climate and Food Production in Cairo

Cairo's climate can be undoubtedly described as desert climate since there are almost no rains during the year (Climate-Data.Org, 2017). Even though the Cairo has droughty climate with rainfall of only about 18mm, most of the foods are grown through irrigation. Cairo soils without use of fertilizers do not give the best yields and therefore, most of the farms use both fertilizers and are irrigated as well.

Cultural and Religious Influences on the Menu

In terms of culture and religion, most of Cairo residents, about eighty nine percent are Sunni Muslims with the rest being mostly Christian. The religious demographics can be seen in the dinner menu of Four Seasons Hotel as the menu has no foods that are not consumed by Muslims such as pork.

Globalization and Food Accessibility

Due to the high globalization level, those foods that are not grown in Cairo, can be brought into the city from different parts of the world. Cairo has good roads that link it to other areas. In addition, there is an international airport that serves both local and international flights, which enables foods from other countries around the world can to be transported into Cairo and prepared there to make part of the dinner menus.

A Well-Balanced and Inclusive Menu

To conclude, even though Cairo weather conditions restrains growth of different crops as well as some fruits and vegetables, the menu offered by Four Seasons Hotel is very balanced and multifarious due to the well-developed infrastructure. Moreover, it takes into count all meal preferences of different people and food related religious restrictions.


Climate-Data.Org. (2017). Climate: Cairo. Retrieved from Climate Data Org:

Four Seasons. (2017). Dining. Retrieved from Four Seasons:

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