A Place to Stand by Jimmy Santiago Baca

A Place to Stand follows the path of poet Jimmy Santiago Baca from his childhood abandonment on a New Mexico ranch to his incarceration in the United States federal prison system. Although illiterate at the time of his arrest, he learned to read and write in order to survive his grueling time in prison. While incarcerated, Baca discovered a love for poetry and used it to survive the harsh conditions of prison and heal his wounds from his childhood.

Jimmy Santiago Baca

After years in prison and a Pushcart Prize for poetry, Jimmy Santiago Baca's new memoir has earned rave reviews. A Pushcart Prize-winning poet, he recounts his storied criminal youth in this heartbreaking memoir. The Nation called it "brave and deeply moving."

In A Place to Stand, poet Jimmy Santiago Baca takes us on a journey through his life from his childhood on an estancia in New Mexico, to his adolescent drug dealing, to his nearly seven-year incarceration in one of the country's most notorious prisons. The author shows how Baca overcame adversity by writing poetry journals, while simultaneously becoming a poet and a humanitarian.

Prison memoir

In this Pushcart Prize-winning memoir, a Pushcart Prize-winning poet reveals his life as a drug addict and criminal during his early years. A place to stand in prison is a brave and heartbreaking account of life inside the criminal justice system. A place to stand in prison is one of the most moving books about incarceration, and if you've ever wondered what it's like to be a criminal, you won't be disappointed.

A Place to Stand: A Prison Memoir by Jimmy Santiago Baca

explores the impact of mass incarceration on both men and women. This memoir takes a 360-degree look at the effects of incarceration, from the poet's childhood in Santa Fe to his nearly seven-year stay behind bars. It is an eye-opening account of the harsh realities of prison life, and it will make you reconsider the stance you hold regarding the prison system.

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