Thomas Theorem and Erving Goffman

Thomas theorem

Thomas theorem is a sociology theory developed by William Isaac Thomas in 1928 stating that “if men define situations as real, they are real in their own consequences” (Psychologenie, 2018). The theory posits that a person makes a decision basing on how they perceive the situation and the validity of the interpretation does matter whether it is correct or not. In general, the theory means that the results of a situation are solely dependent on the person’s perception of the situation regardless of the true fact of the situation. The Thomas theorem is a very influential theory that helps us understand actions performed under various situations. An example where the Thomas theorem can be applied is when a person is from a long lineage of poverty whereby his great-grandfather, grandfather, and father were all poor and this makes him believe that his poverty state is hereditary and that is why he is also poor. In actual sense, the individual’s reason for his poverty may be as a result of his laziness or lack of education.

Erving Goffman

According to Erving Goffman, the information that a person can obtain from another person when in close proximity is called social information. Part of the social information is expressions given which means verbal information or what a person says. On the other hand, expressions given off are non-verbal cues consisting of aspects like body language, facial expression among others (Duke, n.d). In addition, expressions given are intended and largely controlled by the person, however, expressions given off is taken to be unintended and the individual has little or no control over them as most at times, the individual is not even aware of them.


Duke. (n.d). Goffman: The Presentation of Self in Everyday life. Retrieved from:

Psychologenie. (2018). The Thomas Theorem of Sociology Explained. Retrieved from:

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