The Need to Treat People Equally in the Society

The Experiences of Women in a Class-Based Society

The author of this article is Bell Hooks. The article focuses on the experiences that women have due to the existence of classes in the society. These classes led to the presence of conflicts by the reformist women who demanded equality in the community. They requested a change in the structure so that mutuality and balance would be upheld. They wanted to make their own decision and attract the masses in the same way the privileged women did. Some of them were tired of being seen as housewives, and hence they wanted to free instead of working for too long and getting a little wage. It was not fair to them because the privileged women stayed at home instead of attending to some duties. Women in the class were advantaged because they had a connection from the high-class men in the society, who fought for them.

Undermining Male Political Feminists

It is argued that when women acquire power in the society and fail to conduct themselves differently, the male political feminists were undermined. It made the low and middle-class women feel so betrayed by their colleagues from the upper class. In most cases, the low-class women were black women while the high quality was the whites.

The Importance of Equal Treatment in Society

The article is of great importance. It is because it helps the readers to have a clear vision on the need to treat people equally in the society. Many of this gaps that exist between the rich and the poor in our communities are due to our ignorance. Equal treatment of people in the society ensures that these gaps do not exist any further because the individuals in the nation are free with each other and hence they will work together to uplift their lives.

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