The Changing Trends in American Families

Debates on the Changing Trends in American Families

Debates on the changing trends in American families have been focal points for several generations. A significant change in American families is the modern prevalence of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) families (Mezey 18). While there are some similar concerns on the observed trends, conflicting views of the same are also present. The American society comprises two distinct group of individuals, who voice similar yet conflicting opinions on various aspects of social and political spheres. The two, namely conservatives and progressives, voice both similar and divergent opinions on the changing fabric of American families.

The Progressive and Conservative Groups and their Ideologies

The progressive and conservative groups possess unique ideologies on the concept of the LGBTQ families. They are concerned, primarily, on social progress and government reforms. The two groups also have a clear understanding of what the changing fabric of American families entail, and focus on presenting compelling reasons for their ideologies. However, conservatives and progressives differ in their independent philosophies. Conservatives believe in conventional values thereby averse the notion of LGBTQ families, whereas the progressives embrace social innovations thus supporting the changing fabrics in American families.

Differing Approaches to the Legalization of LGBTQ Families

Conservatives also aim at maintaining the existing status quo while progressives encourage reforms to this status quo (Mezey 26). As such, conservatives oppose the legalization of the LGBTQ families, whereas progressives encourage their acceptance and legalization. Despite these contrasting opinions on the changing trends in the American families, it is crucial for all to respect and uphold human rights. Whether conservative or progressive, I believe that every individual is entitled to his or her freedom of choice. I also believe that change is inevitable and thus society should enact measures to deal with and acclimatize to the change effectively.

Works Cited

Mezey, Nancy J. LGBT Families. Sage, 2015.

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