The Causes of Poverty

Poverty is the most widespread epidemic in the world today. Acts of compassion help the poor in making life bearable. Such actions include foreign aid and the global cause in fighting poverty. According to Haugen, many cases of destitution are as a result of violence (2015). However, the acts of compassion do not entail protection of the poor from abuse leaving many as slaves (Perera, Siriwardana " Mounter, 2017). This essay shall scrutinize the causes effects and possible solutions to the increased rates of poverty

The Hidden Reason for Poverty

 According to Haugen, poverty is caused by violence, which is a barrier to poverty eradication (2015). For example, Venus, a widow from Zambia was pushed to poverty after her neighbor stole her land and properties after the demise of her husband.  Additionally, Griselda from Guatemala cannot attend school for fear of being raped despite being the family's ticket out of poverty. Moreover, poor people remain slaves due to violence and discrimination.

                           The complexity of Social Class, Poverty, and Discrimination           

             Developing countries make most revenue from private security companies. The rich hire security detail to protect their properties and household due to deterioration of police services. As a result, the poor are exposed to violence and no law enforcement. The existence of social classes causes discrimination in providing security and justice to the poor (Fosu, 2015). Culturally, the rich were place in a higher social class leading to the degradation and discrimination of the poor. Such prejudice leads to slavery.

Interconnections Among Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, and Schooling

Poverty mainly affects the marginalized communities. Certain ethnic groups in developed countries were discriminated for instance the African Americans in the US. Moreover, children, women, and girls less than forty years are the most affected by poverty and violence. As a result, they educate their kids as their hope to escape the poverty trap.


 In brief, poverty is a byproduct of violence. Foreign aid programs should include measures of eradicating violence, discrimination, and slavery. The existing programs only solve food and water problem forgetting about the rapists and assaulters in the community. This explains why violence still exists despite foreign aid. Consequently, organizations like the Gates Foundation have taken the initiative to train and fund police programs in poverty-stricken areas like the Philippines. 


Fosu, A. K. (2015). Growth, inequality and poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa: recent progress in a global context. Oxford Development Studies, 43(1), 44-59.

Haugen, G. (2015). The Hidden Reason for Poverty the World Needs to Address Now. Retrieved from

Perera, S., Siriwardana, M., " Mounter, S. (2017). Trade Facilitation, Economic Development, and Poverty Alleviation: South Asia at a Glance. In Poverty, Inequality, and Policy. InTech.

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