Sports as a Source of Opportunity and Discrimination

Sports have served as a Source of Both Opportunity and Discrimination regarding Social Stratification for Members of Diverse Racial and Ethnic Groups


Social stratification forms the basis through which different groups of people are placed within a society according to their socioeconomic status. The socioeconomic status focuses on the occupation, income, education and wealth of the various people in a given community. Sporting activities should bring people together and enhance values such as leadership, teamwork and overcoming diversity, interactions and sharing of different cultural beliefs for the development of the society. Sports are used as a tool for bringing peace across the globe between diverse nations whereby it promotes understanding and appreciating what other people believe and uphold. Various groups of people take sports as an opportunity to invest at the expense of others while others see it as a chance to discriminate others. The essay will discuss how sports have given people opportunities to prosper and how others get victimized due to their diverse racial and ethnic groups.


Different racial groups have engaged in sports aiming to achieve a certain superiority, for instance, a particular race dominating baseball so that they create fear in other races. According to Ferguson, ethical positioning has helped certain groups to take advantage due to their perceived characteristics (4). You will find a specific ethical group known for its superiority in a particular game, and this enables it to earn respect and pose a good image. When a certain noble group positions itself in a competitive edge, other groups will always participate with a mind that victory belongs to the well-known group. An excellent global image will ensure that a specific nation is given the mandate to host sports events and this will promote the economic development of that region. A society would benefit when its citizens shine in sports and make the country a desired state where everyone would like being associated with that country. Ethnic groups acquiring a high ranking attracts international recognition thereby attracting sponsorship as a form of appreciation and motivation whereas lowly ranked are left to admire. A good name challenges other groups, and they improve on their training and during the actual performance of the games, and this sets the level of sports high for the growth and achievement of various talents. New games will emerge, and the pioneers will achieve to make it relevant and ensure that they rule the game through excellent and outstanding performance.

Sporting activities have facilitated a cultural mix whereby different ethical groups have shared their customs and adopted different values. The interaction between various groups has enabled a mutual understanding and an improved perception for various groups regardless of their socioeconomic status. Multiple sports will lead to communications, and cultural exchange will ensue where different ethical groups will learn values, customs and beliefs of others, and this will enhance understanding of new languages and practice of new traditions (Conley 9). Making of longtime friends and visiting new places enhances peace and interdependence on other issues apart from sports. Participation of games by ethnic groups will give a platform for social progress and reduce the level of discriminating people due to their ethnic set up. Improving the talents of the participants provide them with the guarantee of representing in different social settings due to the mutual interdependence created and the pride that they are accepted regardless of where they come from and their social status.


Racial discrimination is rampant in the world of sports today where people are denied the chance to participate due to their origin. The whites believe that they have the capability of participating in games and emerge as victors over the blacks. The best facilities are reserved for a particular race to ensure their comfort in the game whereas other races are left to struggle with the little resources they have. Particular races are perceived as incapable of winning in any game, and they get unfair treatment for the conditions of the game. Due to racial discrimination, there are inequalities on how the sports participants get their income. The perceived inferior race is lowly paid, and they do not enjoy their talents, and it leads to pulling out from the games, and thus weakening the bonds between various races. All racial groups have equal rights whose violation should lead to prosecution.

Social stratification has led to discrimination of the low in socioeconomic levels due to their low income, low education levels, and their poor social status. The poor are sidelined from participating in games and viewed as unable due to lack of efficient resources to support their talents. Accepting people who are low in society leads to extended love, and they feel part of the system, and they will be comfortable interacting with those with a higher class (Conley 13). Discrimination tortures the affected psychologically and can lead to mental disorders and subsequently a more impoverished society. Sports discrimination kills the morale of participants and leads to a generation of fearful minds with poor integration with the competitors (Ferguson 6). Exposure of varying socioeconomic levels should not disregard the poor who would have better talents than those higher in socioeconomic levels. The low in the society are not allowed to interact with the higher in the community since their abilities are associated with low knowledge levels, and this does not match the expectations of the rich. The poor are perceived as unable to engage in the sports correctly due to their poor infrastructure to enable then train well. Avoiding a particular group of people due to their societal make lead to disrespect, hatred, and division among societies which lead to low development.

Sports are major activities which make the mind work well and relieves the body of any physical strain. Participating in sports makes an individual struggle to bring victory home and make their nation proud in the face of the world. Various races have gained international recognition for using their talent to win in specific games. A global name will earn certain group respect, and well-wishers will invest in them. Cultural exchanges play an essential role in integrating different people who accept and practice new cultures and appreciate different people. However, sports activities are a base where people are discriminated according to who they are or their socioeconomic levels. Individuals from different races deserve the right treatment as equal to the others to enable promotion of peace and improved image. Socioeconomic levels should not give bases for discrimination since people are created differently with varying potentials in what they do, and they are as equal as the others. People should learn to love, understand and appreciate others without discrimination to build a peaceful co-existence and a prosperous society that anyone can live.

Works cited

Ferguson, Susan J. Mapping the Social Landscape: Readings in Sociology. 2018

Conley, Dalton. You May Ask Yourself: An Introduction to Thinking Like a Sociologist. 2017

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