sense of taste lab report

The aim of the lab

The aim of this lab is to see how good our sense of taste is. We hypothesize that different individuals have different tastes, and we want to validate or disprove our theory by gathering context knowledge and conducting experiments on our community members. Throughout the experiment, each researcher completed a lab sheet and reported on the samples presented for testing. These lab sheets are included with the paper.

Experiment and subjects

To put the experiment to the test, we used all of our group members as subjects. Since our subjects are not all the same and come from diverse contexts, we feel the data presented is reliable. The test is summarized below.

flavor taste tests

Subject likes
4In our experiment we wanted to test on various taste and flavors. We used eight types of samples and four subjects. We also had them feel lab sheet to rate and comment about the samples provided. What we found is that chocolate was highly ranked as the tastiest while peanut and vanilla were the worst according to our subjects. Strawberry and banana were on average acceptance. Our suggestion is to test a more diverse population as we only had four subjects and we would like to test a subject more than once to see if the results would be similar.

Taste factors and marketing

These taste factors are helpful in marketing certain foods. The way food taste must be pleasing to majority of the people and meal replacement companies should take it to account. (Drewnowski, Massien, Louis-Sylvester, Fricker, Chapelot and Apfelbaum, 1994).


Drewnowski, A., Massien, C., Louis-Sylvester, J., Fricker, J., Chapelot, D. and Apfelbaum, M., 1994. Comparing the effects of aspartame and sucrose on motivational ratings, taste preferences, and energy intakes in humans. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 59(2), pp.338-345.

Drewnowski, A., 1995. Intense sweeteners and the control of appetite. Nutrition reviews, 53(1), pp.1-7.

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