Nomenclature of Alkenes

Organic Chemistry: Understanding Alkene Nomenclature and Reactions

Organic chemistry has been an interesting topic so far. Understanding how organic compounds are named, different reactions and modifications to make new molecules are among the enlightening topics. However, it has been challenging to learn alkene nomenclature and some of the alkene reactions taught in class.

Naming Alkenes with Fewer Carbons

Alkenes with fewer carbons were easy to name as the double bond can be easily numbered and a simple count established. I found this easy for up to molecules with eight carbons containing one or two double bonds. However, a structured compound becomes challenging especially when I have to determine the first carbon. The compound below, although appearing simple, challenges me in establishing the first carbon. The rules of nomenclature explain that priority should be given to the double bond rather than the branch.


Understanding the Configuration around the Double Bond

Also, understanding the configuration around the double bond has a bit challenging especially in skeleton structures. However, I have learned to be keen on the orientation to ensure I do not miss the configuration which is crucial in nomenclature. I plan to continue doing practice exercises to understand the trans- and cis- configuration in naming alkenes.

cis 5-chloro-3-heptene

Complexity of Alkene Reactions

Some alkene reactions such as halogenation and hydrogenation are straightforward and I easily understood the concept. However, further reactions such as with acids and electrophilic additions were quite complex for me. For example, when a reaction involves an alkene with two different substituents on either side of the bond several products can be formed as shown below when propene is reacted with water.

Products of reaction of propene and water

However, emphasis on the use of Markovnikov's Rule in determining reactions is crucial in understanding the reactions. With time, I will effectively apply the rules to chemical reactions involving alkenes.

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