Issues of Public Administration

Public Administration Issues

Public administration has to deal with many issues such as political, economic and social that face of the country. Contracting is one of the problems that affect public administration programs.

Contracting and its Effects

In an aim of responding to a demand for proper management, administrators have turned their attention to private contractors. That change has brought about positive effects in most of the cases. Majorly, services that are part of governance happen to be more responsible for policies and limitations. Private contractors have changed their rules, and this has resulted in scandals. The Blackwater issues that occurred in Iraq recently with abuses due to the privatization of prisons and the disintegration of the veteran administration ( Subsequently, contracting has brought about budget overruns and outrages charges.

Social Equity

Social equity is also a public administration issue. The challenge is making civic organizations representatives of cultural and social environment they exist. In more understandable terms, organizations of public housing in minority areas should include equal numbers of minority members. It should not be limited to racial issues, but to sexual and gender orientation. It is appropriate to protect the minorities while recognizing the minority rights.

Transparency and Accountability

Transparency is a public administration issue at the government level. Transparency and accountability is a critical component in a democratic government both nationally and locally. The stakeholders are politicians who are at the time not forthcoming about their actions because the general public does not understand the programs necessary. The trend should be that administrators must strictly ensure exclusive public disposures. Transparency is significant because of issues like inclusion of the minorities in the appropriate numbers and contracting problems. The stakeholders who are the representatives of the government should implement public programs to benefit the public. In the conservative and liberal view, transparency is not the sole liberal value, the value of legitimacy is essential for those in power, public interest should include democratic mandate and accountability. The other liberal value is legality where there is a belief in actions. Stakeholders in government levels should ensure legitimacy in their actions. Legality is very crucial in a liberal society. Transparency should also involve openness. Stakeholders should provide transparency, accountability, effectiveness, and efficiency their daily activities. Policymakers should also create transparency on how policies are designed.

Approaches to Public Administration

The historical approach of public administration is based on the belief that historical knowledge is essential in the in-depth study of the subject. A proper understanding of the background and the growth of administration was in India in the historical perspective and also in the pre-colonial period of the British (Naidu,2005).

The next approach of public administration is law. It is the legal approach of studying public policy. Its primary concern is power, structure and main sources is judicial decisions, office manuals of rules, codes, and constitution. Countries like Europe and France apply the legal approach of public administration which is in two divisions administrative and constitutional. Constitutional division deals with the organization of the government, distribution of power and interrelation. Administration deals with the functions and structure of public bodies, authorities, and departments.

The third approach is public administration and political science which is involved with policy making and execution in the fields of administrators and politicians.

The fourth strategy is public administration and economics, where the environment of a nation profoundly influences its organization and general administration activities.

The Role of Administrators

The main steps that should be taken by administrators in government are principle of transparency and accountability to ensure integrity in local bureaucracies. Efficiency and effectiveness to ensure they are constructive, careful and productive in carrying out the overall interest of the public. Legitimacy and of the administrative state ensure the state empowers future administrators and emphasizes on legislative, executive and judicial powers.


            5 Contemporary Issues in Public Administration. Retrieved from

            Johnson, E. (2015). The Six Pillars of Public Administration Politics. Retrieved from

            Naidu, S. P. (2005). Public administration: Concepts and theories. New Age International.

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