Hegemony and Real and Ideal Culture

Cultures and the Discrepancy between Ideal Culture and Real Culture

Cultures around the globe experience a considerable discrepancy between the ideals upheld by a culture and life's realities within the culture. Ideal culture encompasses the norms and values that a culture claims to have (Kreps, 2017). It includes an idealized, rigid value system that prescribes perfect behavior. In ideal culture, rules are white and black with no exceptions or gray areas. On the other hand, real culture includes the norms and values that a culture actually follows (Kreps, 2017). It entails a flexible value system that is mostly used as a set of guidelines for desired behavior. While wrong and right are separated, exceptions exist for nearly everything.

The Disparity in the American Value of Equality

For example, real and ideal culture separates in the American value of equality. While many believe that equality is part of the American ideal culture, they see inequality everywhere. Minorities and women are given less opportunities and paid less. As such, the American real culture fails to include much equality.

Hegemony and the Dominance of English in Contemporary Culture

In contemporary culture, hegemony is manifested in the pervasive use of English as the language of instruction. Hegemony refers to the domination of a custom-made culture that fulfills the demands and needs of the majority while serving the interest of the leading social class (Laclau & Mouffe, 2014). The predominant use of English language for instruction is hence hegemonic as it involves a careful manipulation of learning and other social institutions by the governing group to impose the values, perceptions, and beliefs on other social groups in a manner that make them believe that the adapted social culture (English language) is accepted as the norm. It is widely believed that people have to be proficient in English for them to excel professionally.


Kreps, C. (2017). The Real and the Ideal: Towards Culturally Appropriate and Collaborative Heritage Practice in Kalimantan. In Borneo Studies in History, Society and Culture(pp. 211-234). Springer, Singapore.

Laclau, E., & Mouffe, C. (2014). Hegemony and socialist strategy: Towards a radical democratic politics. Verso Trade.

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