Essays on Nursing

The Impact of Burnout on Nurses

Nursing burnout is a serious threat to individual and collective performance by nurses in various healthcare organizations. Along with the physical and psychological impacts, burnout harbors more challenges to the patients and the entire state of healthcare in the modern society. As a result, there ought to be a double-edged...

Words: 708

Pages: 3

Serious Issues in Nursing Homes

Serious issues often develop in nursing homes because of diverse factors, affecting patients’ quality of life. Some of these issues include negligence, poor sanitation, understaffing, and observance of unhealthy dietary. Negligence in the nursing home usually occurs when nursing staff fails to provide the patients with the recommended standard of...

Words: 1739

Pages: 7

Palliative Care Essay

1. In your own words, identify the argument of your peer's persuasive essay. What is he or she aiming to prove? The student attempts to convince the audience that palliative care is an important healthcare service that should be embraced. Although the subject appears scary to many people, the student proves...

Words: 636

Pages: 3

Why I Chose Nursing as a Career

Who is a nurse? A nurse is a professional trained and well vetted to ensure that patients get the best service. By service I mean the patient is well catered for, the patient gets an easy time to heal or recover from the diagnosis given. A nurse is a person who...

Words: 1024

Pages: 4

PUOB Healthcare App

We are happy to announce the official introduction of Ms Jenna Thomas, a nursing practitioner as one of our staff at Physicians United of Ormond Beach. We have been in the process of recruiting a more staff in order to streamline our healthcare services and enable us to serve you...

Words: 245

Pages: 1

Work Satisfaction

Satisfying Work Satisfying work is an engagement that exploits a workers potential to the maximum and is observant on the worker's well-being and dignity. Satisfaction is derived from the accomplishment of set goals with a high rate of efficiency and accuracy and fair and respectful treatment. Satisfying work must consist of...

Words: 1096

Pages: 4

Educational Costs of Nursing

Nursing is one of the most diverse and largest professions in healthcare. In the United States, there are more than 2.9 million registered nurses and many millions globally (Bureau of Labor Statistics). Nurses are the healthcare practitioners who assume the responsibility for providing continuous care to patients and engaging in public...

Words: 1457

Pages: 6

The Role of Nursing in the Evolution of U.S Healthcare System

According to the American Nurses Association (2012), nursing is the promotion, protection and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of diseases and injuries, alleviation of pain and suffering through diagnosis and treatment of these diseases and illness, and advocacy in the overall care of individuals, families, communities and populations.             By...

Words: 1561

Pages: 6

Solutions staffing agency in London

With the current rapidly increasing level of demand for healthcare workers in London, the shortage of nurses is an issue many healthcare facilities are already facing. There is an enormous opportunity for unemployed healthcare nurses to secure jobs given that many healthcare organizations in London are in dire need for...

Words: 2135

Pages: 8

Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act’s Compliance

The Kennedy-Kassebaum Plan and HIPAA The Kennedy-Kassebaum plan, which was presented to Congress as a means of enhancing healthcare, is where the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) originates. The law was passed in 1996, but it wasn't fully implemented until 2003. Liginlal (2015) identified two features of HIPAA. One...

Words: 1198

Pages: 5


Numerous health care systems around the globe are having trouble with the issues impacting the various Medicare reimbursements. (Stuart, 2006). Fragmented care, a lack of coordination, inconsistent quality, and rapidly rising costs are a few examples of these variation problems. These variations always have an impact on Medicare reimbursements, which...

Words: 518

Pages: 2

Proposal Request

EHR software is required by the 356-bed, non-profit UNE Medical Center in the East. The purpose of this RFP is to identify a reliable supplier of software for our brand-new integrated EHR system. Our intent is to replace our existing EHR system with the software, meet meaningful use initiatives, and...

Words: 453

Pages: 2

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