The Use of Non-Verbal Cues in the Testimony of Bill Clinton
It was on 17th August of 1998 when Clinton was testifying before the Grand Jury concerning his suspected affair with Monica Lewinsky. Also, on several occasions, Clinton had to provide answers concerning his personal secretary (Betty Currie) who had gone to Lewinsky’s resident to deliver presents from Clinton. The main...
Words: 890
Pages: 4
Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Don't ask, don't say is an abbreviated version of the phrase "don't ask, don't tell." In the United States, DADT is a military policy aimed at homosexuals, gays, and bisexuals. During President Bill Clinton's presidency, the program went into effect in 1994. (Belkin 107-108). Service officers were not allowed to...
Words: 1169
Pages: 5
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