Dualism of Mind and Body

Philosophy explains the correlation between mind and body with some philosophers showing that there is dualism. Descartes’ position on mind and body dualism made his stance famous. Descartes believes that the mind and body exist as two separate substances that can exist apart (Heil 44). He believes that mind correlates with thought as the body correlates with extension. Thoughts can be distinctly perceived from the body since they are distinct as seen in the difference between physical imagery and mental imagery (Heil 41). Descartes uses the example of life after death to show that even though the body may die, our soul is likely to survive.

Smart uses an explanation of the sensations and brain processes to distinguish between mind and body. The argument on identity theory within the book shows that even though there are four main views on one’s thought towards something they view, only one is viable (Heil 119). Smart shows that when one sees something, they report a brain process using their sensations. An individual may view an image, but their sensation on the image is the report they give on the sensation that is a brain process (Heil 117). The correlation between mind and body within the in as far as the ‘ache’ felt is from the mind, the claim of it as a brain process, part of the body, shows that they are linked.

Frank Jackson’s argument on Epiphenomenal Qualia have an insight into the dualism of mind and body. A quale which is the singular form of qualia describes a raw feel such as a rose smell or pains’ hurtfulness (Heil 762). Jackson argues that epiphenomenal qualia fail to produce physical evidence but are likely to cause mental state differences (Heil 770). The differences between epiphenomenal qualia and the causality of physicalism show a distinction between mind and body.

Question: What is the link between epiphenomenal qualia and brain processes?

Work Cited

Heil, John. Philosophy of Mind. Routledge, 2013.

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