Benefits of The New Public Service

The New Public Service

The new public service includes some practices and rule which help in enhancing citizenship and democracy in administration. Its emphasis is on the government to assist the citizens rather than controlling them. Considering the interest of the public first, serving them as citizens and not customers who are to be treated as people with self-interest. Civil servants should make it their responsibility and aim to develop good relationships with the citizens as they offer services to them. In public administration, the New Public Service requires the officials to understand that being accountable is not easy and needs them to be careful in the execution of laws. Citizens should also be treated with respect, as a means of ensuring sustainability in public institutions and networks (Taylor). In the implementation of policies and programs which affect the public, careful planning should be conducted such that citizens are involved in all the processes. The New Public Service ensures that governance is exercised by following the right criteria and in favor of the people.

Shortcomings of New Public Service

There will be delays in decision making because of too much involvement of the citizens, which may result in the prolonged implementation of vital government interventions. When public administrators do not have the power and authority to decide and act upon a directive on their own, it becomes challenging to spearhead development efforts. The New Public Service makes it hard for administrators to take risky opportunities which can be of benefit to the public because the failure or success of such endeavors affects the citizens. The approach does not provide for a system of motivating public servants, thus increasing the possibility of an increased turnover. Appreciating employees is essential in ensuring quality service delivery and a conducive working environment.

The New Public Service: A Realistic Venture

The New Public Service is, however, a realistic venture regardless of the shortcomings. It has not snatched from the administrators all the power to make decisions as they can still decide as the negotiation with the citizens continue. It will, thus, promote efficiency and growth while at the same time conforming to democracy and public interest.

Benefits of the New Public Service

The new public service encourages the participation of citizens in matters which touch on them directly thereby improving the quality of service delivery. Through their involvement, citizens get empowered concerning management of government policies (Robinson 10). It is an essential management strategy which instills integrity and accountability among public servants. The New Public Service upholds democracy and active and sustained citizen involvement in governance. It, therefore, results in inclusiveness where people are more willing to share with one another and help in eliminating selfish interests.

Through the new public service, corruption will be reduced significantly because civil servants will be more concerned with the general good for the society and not personal interests. They will also be busy with establishing positive relationships with the people, which does not provide a room for corruption. It also enhances sharing of information to the public transparently and openly such that all the citizens understand issues and problems affecting them.

The new public service is a positive course because it seeks to provide the required services to the citizens and putting their best of interest first. It, thus, places a platform where problems solving is quick, and public servants become more accountable and responsible translating to a transparent governance system, adhering to policy.

Works Cited

Denhardt, Janet V and Denhardt Robert B. "The New Public Service Revisited." Public Administartion Review (2015): 664-672.

Robinson, Mark. "From Old Public Administration to the New Public Service ." Global Centre for Public Service Exellence (2015): 1-16.

Taylor, Sam. "The New Public Service: Putting Citizens in the Captain’s Chair." 14 June 2015. Engaging Local Government Leaders . Accessed 7 February 2018 .

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