Anzac Day in Australia and New Zealand

Anzac Day

Anzac Day is a national holiday in Australia and New Zealand that commemorates the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who fought at Gallipoli in World War I. It is celebrated on 25 April each year and is a time to remember those who died in wars and other conflicts.

Anzac Biscuits

Anzac biscuits are a popular treat for Anzac Day and are made of a mixture of oats, flour, sugar, coconut and golden syrup. They are a great treat for the whole family and can be served hot or cold with jam, ice-cream or custard!

The Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC)

The Australian and New Zealand Army Corps was formed during World War I and they fought with the British Empire in many different places. They went to places such as Gallipoli in Turkey, and a place called Be'er-Sheva in Israel, and also fought on a number of other fronts during the war.

The Anzacs

They were a great team of soldiers and they were able to win the war for the Australians. They were proud of this and they became known as Anzacs.

Importance of Anzac Day

Anzac Day is special to Australians because it was the first time that soldiers from Australia and New Zealand fought in a war together. This was the beginning of a long history of friendship and loyalty between the people of Australia and New Zealand.

Food Sent to Soldiers

During war, many people sent food to their friends in the army. This was a very popular tradition and is something that is still seen today.

First Celebration of Anzac Day

ANZAC Day began on April 25, 1915 when the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps landed in Turkey. The goal of the Allied expedition was to take control of the city of Constantinople, which is now Istanbul in Turkey.

Remembering and Commemorating

It is now an annual event for both countries to remember those who have died in all wars and other conflicts. It is a day of remembrance and there are lots of things that you can do to help keep the spirit of Anzac Day alive.

Dawn Vigil

The dawn vigil is when everyone goes outside for a quiet moment to say their prayers and think about those who have died in wars. It is very popular with children because it is a chance for them to think about how they can help those who have died in wars.

Dawn Ceremonies

At dawn, a lot of people go to their local memorials and watch the flags rise. These ceremonies are often organised by the RSL. The RSL is a group that was set up in the 1920s to help veterans and their families. They organise a lot of the Anzac Day ceremonies and they are very popular with kids because it is a chance for them to get together and remember their friends that have died in wars.

Anzac Day Marches and Ceremonies

Marches and other Anzac Day ceremonies are held all over the country. These are usually attended by the New Zealand Defence Force, police and fire services, the New Zealand Cadets and other uniformed community service groups.

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