The Storm by Kate Chopin

The story of “The Storm” by Kate Chopin is about two main characters Alcee and Calixta who initially used to be attracted to each other but later got married to different individuals. The writer used a lot of symbolism to develop the theme of the story. The storm in itself...

Words: 883

Pages: 4

Disturbances in the Atmosphere

Atmospheric disturbances are changes in the natural state of the atmosphere that affect the surface and may indicate severe weather. Storms, secondary circulations, cyclones and anti-cyclones, tropical disturbances, thunderstorms, hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, and snowstorms are examples of atmospheric disturbances. “A hurricane is a severe, tropical cyclone with winds greater than...

Words: 837

Pages: 4


Storm water administration is an integral part of site planning. Storm water administration aims at addressing the effects caused due to storm water runoff. In urban areas, storm water runoff is a common feature that may additionally have destructive consequences if not right addressed. Site planning is not only important...

Words: 2147

Pages: 8

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