Essays on Events

Correction Professionals Misconduct

One of the few occupations that require morality is the department of correction. The correctional officers are bound by the ethics code in order to faithfully serve the humanity, preserve life and protect the vulnerable from repression or intimidation. Certain correctional personnel are engaged in the conduct of these codes...

Words: 589

Pages: 3

Leaving a Mark- The meaning of life

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), a German composer and pianist, said of his Fifth and Ninth Symphonies, "Music is a greater revelation than all knowledge and philosophy." In certain ways, his thoughts encourage one to look to music for answers to the essence of life and revelation about other human circumstances....

Words: 1044

Pages: 4

Analysis of the Romance of Tristan by Beroul

Beroul's Romance of Tristan both praises and condemns the lovers. As a result, the poem simultaneously praises and condemns deceit and lies. The Romance of Tristan is the tale of Tristan and his lover, Yseut. They were also from royal families. Tristan belonged to the Lyonesse Kingdom, while Yseut belonged...

Words: 700

Pages: 3

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