Treasure Island is an iconic adventure story, a coming-of-age tale, and the preeminent pirate novel. The novel introduced pirate concepts such as one-legged seamen, black-sailed ships, the scary black spot, and parrots yelling "pieces of eight." It has spawned countless imitations, including countless films. The Pirates of the Caribbean series has helped to popularize the romance of piracy.Stratford Festival of Canada premiered a version of Treasure Island
The Stratford Festival of Canada is mounting a new production of the classic tale of pirate Long Joan Silver. Part of the Schulich Children's Plays series, the show stars aerialist Katelyn McCulloch, who whirls from silks and recites a monologue as she vows allegiance to cheese. The production is a perfect balance between a child audience and an adult one.A recent production of the Canadian classic has a high artistic standard and a stellar cast. Playwright Nicolas Billon was commissioned to create an adaptation for the Stratford Festival. His previous work includes the thriller Butcher and the monologue triptychs The Blackcoat's Son. With a cast that includes children, the show offers a chance for young and old to bond through a shared love of pirates and the thrill of adventure.Yerba Buena Island was a nearby military cemetery
In the late 1800s, Yerba Buena Island served as a military cemetery. The island was located near Treasure Island Road and Macalla Road. The island was once a military cemetery, but it was decommissioned and opened to the public. A few of the buildings remain, such as Naval Base Quarters One by Whiting Way and Garden Way. Yerba Buena Island also has two water reservoirs, which are used for fire protection and medical rescue.During the American Civil War, a military post was established on Yerba Buena Island. This location provided an escape route for Confederate raiding warships attempting to sneak past Fort Point and Alcatraz Island. A nearby military cemetery, Army Post Camp Yerba Buena, was built by 1871. The post was also known as Army Post Goat Island and US Engineer Depot, Yerba Buena Island, and the Quartermaster Depot, Yerba Bueno Island. The lighthouse was built in 1874, and the cemetery was closed in the late 1800s.Yerba Buena Island is a popular destination for kite-flyers
If you enjoy kite-flying, Yerba Buena Island should be on your bucket list. The calm waters of Clipper Cove are perfect for kite flying, and the island is accessible by causeway from Treasure Isle Marina. Yerba Buena is about 901 acres (163 ha) and is home to 2,500 people.Yerba Buena Island, San Francisco, is an excellent place to kite-fly. You can find many perfect spots for a picnic, including the Great Lawn and the TreasureFest Flea Market. You'll also find plenty of windy conditions for kite flying, and the island also has a playground for children. If you're looking to enjoy an afternoon on the sand, consider dining at MerSea, a new restaurant on the Great Lawn. And, don't forget to try bocce ball - it's a popular spot for kite-flying.Efforts to create a toll to deter non-residents from driving on to the island
Currently, the toll will be $5 and would cover the cost of public transit and ferries. The toll would apply to all drivers, not just residents. Non-residents would be charged $10 and those who work and live on the island would pay $17. The toll was originally intended to cover only residents, but the city and county have been lobbying for years to allow it to be implemented.The idea to charge non-residents a toll for driving on to Treasure Island is in conflict with policies aimed at improving the Bay Bridge's congestion and affordability. Many Treasure Island residents are concerned that the toll will gentrify the community and displacing low-income residents. The Treasure Island toll is an effort to provide transportation alternatives and help mitigate the impact of the tidelands' isolation and poverty.
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