Wireless networks such as WiFi

Wireless networks and municipal wireless networks

Wireless networks, such as WiFi, have sparked a lot of interest among internet users. Similarly, municipal wireless networks continue to spark debate and excitement in most cities' populations. The reason for this joy is the benefits that come with wireless network installation, such as increased quality of life for both business owners and city residents. Yet, the problem stems from the high expenditures involved as well as the ethical quandaries. Wireless networks provide a free and limitless network to an entire city. Also, the neighborhoods of such cities may benefit from these wide coverage wireless networks. The wireless networks' objective is to provide residents with access to information. They are also able to share information in a convenient and fast manner. As such, in spite of the challenges involved, municipal networks are necessary to enhance internet connectivity in most municipals. But in doing so, there has to be a healthy balance between the costs involved and the benefits which will accrue from the municipal wireless networks.

Challenges in providing municipal city WiFi

In as much as the installation of municipal WiFi is very beneficial to most cities, the process faces several challenges: both technical and economic challenges. The economic challenges point to the lack of individuals, the city or a private company that is ready to undertake the payment of the setting up and maintenance costs. These costs are quite high. For instance, in 2005, the cost of setting up wireless networks was $150,000 for every square mile. Hence, in cases where none of the three stakeholders is ready to take up the costs involved, the provision of municipal wireless networks is aborted. On the other hand, most of the technical challenges revolve around finding a suitable location for the WiFi connection. Constant and reliable electric power is an essential component in mounting the municipal wireless networks nodes. This condition has disqualified many areas which had been initially suggested as conducive for setting up WiFi. Furthermore, it is also difficult to identify areas which are safe and secure for putting up the wireless networks nodes. Hence, the setting up of wireless networks are challenged by security issues, suitable areas, and the cost.

Ways in which communities overcome economic and technical limitations of setting up municipal wireless networks

Communities may handle theses technical and economic limitations by cities owning the networks. Then they can invite service providers to sign contracts binding them to provide wireless internet access to the members of the public. This helps in creating partnerships between the cities and private industries for the success of the municipal wireless networks program (Bar, & Park, 2005). Communities may also encourage one another to live close to each other. This is because the cost of providing wireless connection increases with increase in the distance. Moreover, the more the users, the more profitable the municipal wireless networks are. Therefore, the scattered settlement should be discouraged to make WiFi connection both easier and cheaper (Community Based Broadband Solutions 2015).

Another method that may be used to overcome the limitations of setting up WiFi is for communities to engage in massive campaigns. For instance, the 21 American states which have outlawed municipally-owned broadbands should find ways of reversing these laws by using methods such as campaigns. They may also engage their legislative representatives in the state parliament to do away with these legislations.

Ethical dimensions and dilemmas associated with WiFi connection and usage

The increased use of wireless networks in public places have led to concerns regarding privacy, ethics, and security. The handling of these ethical issues will shape the future of the wireless networks which shall be set up across the globe (Ethics.csc.ncsu.edu, 2017). Setting a precedence of intolerance to unsecure connections and unethical practices will harm the use of wireless networks in the future. Secure connections and ethical practices will promote the extensive growth and expansion of municipal wireless networks. Unauthorized access is the main ethical dilemma since cities have not penned down regulations restricting people from logging into open computer networks. Such unauthorized access is encouraged by having no regulations against "unlicensed" bands. Partly, this dilemma has been caused by the delays in the government’s release of licensing rules for 2.4 GHz bands.

Another ethical dilemma is with regards to broadband limits. Some users of the WiFi networks are likely to surpass the set limits which may lead to higher-than-budgeted costs. Another ethical dimension in setting up the wireless networks is the fact that most cities engage in this venture solely as a money-making opportunity. Such a mentality may limit the quality of the municipal wireless networks and encourages lack of accountability in the stakeholders of the wireless network connections.


The benefits of the municipality wireless connections cannot be underestimated. Municipal wireless networks can improve the economy of a city, individual companies, and households. It also improves people’s quality of life. However, there are challenges which are posed by the municipal wireless networks such as insecurity, unauthorized success, regulatory barriers, and high costs of installation and maintenance. Successful installation of the networks demands that communities should unite and eliminate the barriers Methods that may be used include campaigns and living in communities. There’s also need to demand accountability from the leaders on the use of the municipal financial resources. Municipalities should also guard against unauthorized access and misappropriation of public funds by leaders.


Bar, F., & Park, N. (2005). Municipal Wi-Fi networks: The goals, practices, and policy implications of the US case. Communications & Strategies, 61, 107-126.

Community-Based Broadband Solutions (2015). The benefits of competition and choice for community development and highspeed internet access. Report by the Executive Office of the President. Retrieved on September 19, 2017 from https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/sites/default/files/docs/community-based_broadband_report_by_executive_office_of_the_president.pdf

Wireless (2017). Ethics.csc.ncsu.edu. Retrieved 7 September 2017, from https://ethics.csc.ncsu.edu/risks/security/wireless/study.php

I-35W Bridge Collapse / Technical Response Efforts (2017). 35wbridge.pbworks.com. Retrieved 7 September 2017, from http://35wbridge.pbworks.com/w/page/900768/Technical%20Response%20Efforts

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