This paper focuses on studies published in the journal Health of Children and Pediatrics. The essay investigates wealth inequality as well as the persistence and depth of poverty. Furthermore, this study explains the crucial consequences on a child's growth and well-being. According to this analysis, there are numerous elements that influence children's health. Likewise, the well-being of children suffers as they grow up in some deprived homes.
Low-income housing is frequently one of the potential elements that influence a child's risk. These low-income housing units are mostly found in places with insufficient safety features. In such areas, the child is exposed to violence due to the elements of the crime. Normally, school-aged children become independent enough for finding trouble (traffic, guns and so on). For this reason, they are at a higher risk for death and injury under such circumstances. In general, much substandard housing is located in the inner city's busy part (Gupta, Wit & McKeown, 2007). Often, the inner city is not provided with the green space. They are mainly found in the bus routes and the streets that are very busy.
These children who live in poverty are also faced with the increased risk for illness. According to the research performed by the child development journal, it was concluded that the children, as well as their parents who live in poverty, report more considerable difficulties in the behavior of self-regulatory (delayed gratification). These people also face psychological distress’ higher level. Moreover, they also experience some elevated levels of psychophysiological stress (Evans & English, 2003). Typically, the effects of psychophysiological stress include the overnight neuroendocrine hormones and the resting blood pressure). Years of such emotions as well as the physical stress can result in the array of issues of health for children. In their study, Gupta and McKeown note that children from poverty-stricken families have a higher chance of contracting some diseases such as mental health disorders.
Evans, G. W., & English, K. (2003, January 28). The Environment of Poverty: Multiple Stressor Exposure, Psychophysiological Stress, and Socioemotional Adjustment. Retrieved October 10, 2017, from
Gupta, R. P., Wit, M. & McKeown, D. (2007, October). The impact of poverty on the current and future health status of children. Retrieved October 10, 2017, from