Vocation and Calling Paper

Given the significance of work in the life of a Christian, believers must dedicate a considerable amount of their time to toiling. The Bible says in Psalms 104: 23 that people go out to work and work until evening. During working days, most congregations split in tandem with the will of God that human beings will work for six days and rest on the Sabbath. Labor and prayer, in particular, should complement rather than impede each other. While prayer has its time, a large part of the day is devoted to working. Unfortunately, most people work with disillusionment, weariness, and mental frustration, as Tom Nelson states (3). As a result, they forego work or end up engaging in activities that please them rather than God. Given that what delights people may not honor God, it is important for Christians to identify their purpose in life and how they can succeed in their work.

The Difference between Doing What You Want and What You Were Made For

There is a substantial difference between doing what one likes and engaging in what an individual was meant to do. Naturally, it is easier for a person to engage in activities that are pleasurable than to pursue their purpose in life. “It is alright for people to contemplate what they want to do until they engage in aligns with their life goals (Nelson 14). The gratification of aligning work with one’s calling surpasses that of doing what a person loves. In his book “Work Matters,” Tom Nelson states that God created every human being for a purpose (23). Consequently, individuals who align work with their calling live satisfying lives and honor God. Undoubtedly, it is more important for people to bring into line their work with what they were created for than to engage in what they want to do.

Strategies for Discovering What You Were Made To Do

Although life’s purpose lingers inside of every individual, some people find it hard to establish their calling. As a result, they find themselves doing what they like instead of what they were created to pursue. In his book “Significant Work,” Paul Rude states that discovering what one was meant to do can be a daunting task (14). Nonetheless, the author encourages Christians to explore different strategies to establish their life purpose. Firstly, people should explore and engage in the activities that make them happy. The easiest to way is to examine the activities that one enjoys at their leisure times. The primary objective is to establish joy in work. As Tom Nelson emphasize, work does not have to hard and hectic (5). Secondly, to discover what one was meant to do, the individual must find a means to serve others. Unlike doing what you want to do, doing what you were made for requires personal sacrifice and selflessness. Naturally, it is through service to others that people establish their life’s purpose. Thirdly, one must identify and optimize on his or her strengths. God created people with different talents and abilities. The Bible also states that God does not give people challenges that surpass their abilities. In tandem with this assumption, individuals may establish what they were created to do by re-examining their strengths. The right job should neither be too hard nor easy compared to a person’s strengths.

Job Analysis

For me, baking is not just a formality but a passion. I am thrilled by every step of the process from mixing, the rolling, to the tasting the cookies or cakes. Additionally, the activity gratifies my soul with profound peace. Nonetheless, similar to other professions, baking has its challenges. For instance, the work requires a lot of time to perfect and may be highly discouraging, especially to impatient people. Inaccurate measurements of ingredients or wrong temperature settings may lead to burnt, amorphous, or undercooked products. Christian bakers face particular ethical challenges such as clients who request for weed-cookies, gay-cakes, among others. An interview with Mr. McArthur of Belfast Bakers proved that some customers’ requests may contradict Christianity values. For instance, a gay activist filed a case against the Belfast Bakers after the owners refused to decorate a cake with the words “support gay marriages.” Mr. McArthur says that apart from prayer, Christians may solve such challenges my declining offers that challenge their religious beliefs.

Compare and Contrast

After comparing and contrasting my perceptions of baking with those of a professional, it is without a doubt that the activity satisfies the baker and others too. In other words, the baker serves others while at the same time finding solace in the work. To some, baking is a means of living a purposeful life while serving God. Similar to my assertions, Mr. McArthur confirmed that although baking is enjoyable, it has its challenges. The most common problem is that one may take a long time before perfecting the art. Having burnt, uneven, or undone cakes after lengthy preparations may be discouraging. In contrary to my earlier perceptions, Christian bakers may face ethical dilemmas in their work. As Mr. McArthur stated, some clients may order drug-induced products or customized cakes that violate Christian values. Apart from praying, Christians should refer to the Bible to make ethical decisions.

Works Cited

Nelson, Tom. Work Matters: Connecting Sunday Worship to Monday Work. Crossway, 2011.

Rude, Paul. Significant Work: Discover the Extraordinary Worth of What You Do Every Day. Everyday Significance, 2013.

The Bible. The New International Version, Oxford UP, 2011.

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