Trader Joe's new division will pursue novel methods of production and services with the intention of raising the value of these offerings. The anticipated proposal will enhance the stores' culinary offerings and make breakfast, lunch, and dinner orders available. It will therefore be subject to a variety of threats, weaknesses, opportunities, strengths, and trends. The SWOTT analysis will aim to provide insight into the new division's internal and external environments on this basis in order to highlight the organizational flexibility to change. Competitor contentment with their current situation

High cost of labor which impacts on return on investment
Customer preference for quick services are on the rise
Legal and Regulatory Employees have strong ethics based on the organization culture
Minimum wages set by the rule of law affect market prices Social responsibilities through community development projects Management changes can lead to misuse of resources
Policy formulation and changes impact the organization's behavior
Global Joe traders have the Capability of global expansion Joe Traders are exposed to stiff competition globally
The new service approach have a wide market opportunity Competitors can emulate the new processes and system
Most companies resort to global markets and cheap labor from emerging economies
Economic Food production is responsive to economic downturns

High cost of inputs They can exploit Favorable economic changes to enhance productivity Future resource constraints may affect organization's operations due to overexpansion
Recovering economic conditions with high monetary value will make business more profitable
Technological Joe Traders have Created eatery in grocers Inadequate finance to establish eateries The organization can use available technology to implement the changes Cyclic product nature can reduce profitability to Joe Traders
Use of internet and other forms of online marketing are becoming more popular
Innovation The organization produce high quality products through innovation The new service approach may lack reputation in the market Innovate products which can leads to product positioning The innovation process depends on heavy finances
Innovative companies continue to gain an edge in competition
Social Highly healthy and nutritious meals Delays in service due to high traffic Joe Traders Create cultural competition through training the employees Employee mobility due to family needs and old age denies the organization of its intellectual property
Social responsibility is a key consideration for industry due to its ability to create traffic
Environmental Reducing environmental contamination through energy conservation Increased fuel use in production of eateries negatively impact the environment Reduced use of fuel creates room for clean environment Employee turnover especially in senior levels results into poor operation flow in Joe's trade.
Government regulations emphasize environmental protection
Competitive analysis Strong reputation for innovation amidst competition There are Product similarities and therefore the organization lack of effective competition Availability of huge capital to open new markets and avoid competition Employee turnover especially in senior levels in search of better pay in other companies result into poor operation flow in Joe's trade.
Competitors are becoming more aggressive in developing new service approach technics
Internal Forces and Trends Considerations
Strategy Increased quality and pace of service delivery in Joe Traders
The strategy require additional labor
Available funds to implement the intended strategy
High cost of labor which impacts on return on investment
Organizations invest heavily in developing new strategies
Structure There are adequate structures to implement the strategy
Overcrowding due to increased number of employees
The organization can create structures that leads diverse business options
Significant Management changes have impacts on organizational progress
New structures that suits market trends provides an edge in competition
Process and Structure The processes and systems can generate the capital needed for re-investments
Lack of training among the new workforce
The new processes and systems can be used in other instances
Competitors can emulate the new processes and system
The food producing industry involves changes in process and structure
Resources Financial Resources available for new business operations
Lack of human capital to implement the new business
Resources can be used for further expansions
Future resource constraints
Resource constraints are common in organizations due to economic circumstances
Goals The organization has goals which provide directions to the employees and define behavior The goals may not resonate with customer demands leading to losses
Goals create development drives for new ventures

The goals may lead to overemphasis on the existing process
Organization continue to embed goals in the culture, vision and mission
Strategic capabilities Efficient management due to the strategic capabilities
Managerial issues resulting from overemphasis on strategic capabilities
Strong strategic capabilities provide the incentive to effectively manage large organization
Strategic capability may lead to overexpansion causing management weaknesses
Investment towards strategic capabilities have greatly improved
Culture Increased quality and pace of service delivery
Managerial issues resulting from overemphasis on strategies Culture provide a rich ground for personal development Organizational culture is inflexible and prevents desirable changes Organizations adopt changes in culture
Technology Adequate structures to implement the strategy
Lack of expertise in the organization to spearhead the use of new technology Technology creates new services and products The organization can rely on outdated technology There are regular technological changes in the food production industry
Innovation Introducing new services and products
Innovation in the Joes' trader may not meet the cost of development Strong strategic capabilities provide the incentive to effectively manage large organization
Competitors leverage their efforts and win over customer base Newly innovated approaches are common in the industry
Intellectual property Intellectual property elevates the organization's level of creativity
Building intellectual property is expensive
Intellectual property creates the incentive for team work
Employee mobility due to turnover and contract termination denies an organization of its intellectual property
Organizations maintain critical intellectual property through diverse approaches to avoid turnovers
Leadership Effective leadership which ensure successful delivery of planned activities
Increased leadership mandate in Joe's business compromise the quality of service delivery
Improve leadership performance through training Employee turnover especially in senior levels results into poor operation flow in Joe's trade. There are increasing focus on leadership training to enhance organizations performance

Source: Adopted from Brooks et al., 2014

Brooks, G., Heffner, A., & Henderson, D. (2014). A SWOT analysis of competitive knowledge from social media for a small start-up business. The Review of Business Information Systems (Online), 18(1), 23.

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