The study of Stem cell research

The science of stem cell research is an area of medicine in which cells are studied for disease habits, medication efficacy, drug protection, and the development of regenerative medicine. The cells are derived from embryonic cubicles located in the umbilical cord and then combined with an ovum to replicate the cell. The organs produced by the cell duplication are then transplanted into the recipient. This essay would address claims from various scholars by sharing their points of view on the topic. The journal elaborates the risks of removing the ova from women developed as the ‘true purpose’ of stem research. Dr. Diane Beeson is a professor at the California States University in the political and sociology service department. Due to the author, the egg donors injected with hormonal drugs, may not necessarily be multiplied. Therefore, when drugs are used, short-term effects like ovarian ‘hyper-stimulation syndrome and long-term outcomes such as ‘ovarian cancer’ take place in the human body especially when the consequences are not considered. The hypothesis of this journal is supported by the relevant investigation because stem cell research does not have the ability to cure different diseases. This work concludes that stem cell approach is ethically unacceptable since the results may be unpredictable as well as fatal.
Hanson, M. (n.d.). Religion and stem cell research. Retrieved from
The author of this article and a professor at the Montana University, Mark Hanson argues that religious insights should be taken into consideration when it comes to stem cell research. The author claims that when President Bush’ research center got involved in the destruction of human embryos, the majority’s response showed that religion should not be involved in the public policy. Hence, the religious freedom groups made the government avoid any rules. In the end, Hanson mentions that, despite the fact that religion should not partake in politics, its concepts should be used in the policy-making of stem cell research. For instance, the religious belief can easily influence the policies that constrict human cloning. The article, in this case, gives religious and political views of whether the stem cell research should be legally conducted or abolished in societies.
Teds. P (2013). God and the embryo: Religious voices on stem cells and cloning. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
This book has gathered a collection of documents and essays to illustrate how religion opposes the cloning and stem cell research with the motive of making people understand when there are better ethical principles then the method can be used. Peter Teds, being a professor and a Lutheran theologian at the seminary of the Pacific Lutheran of theology evaluated the advantages and disadvantages of the research and concluded that it can be used only when animals are involved. However, Teds also suggests that using non-embryonic human cells and animal models should be fortified because the face of obstinate discord of the human blastocyst makes the cells shift away from the embryos. In this case, the author elaborates that science should consider using the six ethical duties like the right to discernment, justice, caring and healing, studying and erudition, tending and transforming as well as community and solidarity when conducting any research.
Panno, J. (2010). Ethical issues. New York, NY: Infobase Publishing.
The chapters of the book highlight the ethical issues that develop when stem cell research is practiced. The author of the book, a specialist in molecular physiology and biology, a professor at the University of Simon Fraser in British Columbia, Joseph Panno states that, stem cell research is not harmful, but the methods used make the whole process ethically unjust. According to his arguments based on the Belmont report, human rights are abused because of the above research that began from World War 11. During the war era, the Nazis conducted the cruel experiments on human beings. The book’s overall diction and tone allude that stem cell research should not be implemented because it is immoral. The argument of this writing, therefore, demonstrates that the stem cell research is unethical even if it is under the scientific practice.
Shannon, T. (2015). Embryonic stem cell research is unethical. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press.
The argument of this article uses religious approach to consider the thesis of the research being found unethical. Thomas A. Shannon, a professor at Worcester Polytechnic institute of social and religious ethics, uses the backlash to President’s George Bush decision when he allowed the investigation of stem cells. Shannon stated that the method, which used destroyed human embryos to duplicate the cells, is morally unjust since according to God, the life of a person starts from conception. Therefore, Shannon gives a doctrinal and robust argument as to why stem cell research is unacceptable. The fact that many people see the church as an enemy of investigations does not condemn the development of research progress, but just admits that human dignity should be paramount when it comes to the study. Although Shannon analyses the challenges behind stem cell research, the article gives a sound argument why the method is unethical.
The New England Journal of Medicine. (2014). Embryo ethics - The moral logic of stem-cell research. Retrieved from
This article suggests that the federal government should not fund the embryonic stem cell research. The work is a peer-reviewed medical journal published in the Massachusetts society. The information collected by the author from the secondary research showed that, embryos have a right to live because they eventually grow to be humans. Using the philosophical logic, the writer discredits the scientific method arguing that embryos are lost in the process of the research. Even with enough evidence provided, the author admits there are several factors that must be considered before the federal decides to finance the research because the process has dehumanizing principles like the use of fetus as spare parts, cloned babies, and embryo farms. Thus, all methods could be prevented if sensible solutions are put into place. In conclusion, the article opposes the stem cell research because no philosophical evidence proves that it is right.
Wert, G., & Mummery, C. (2013). Human embryonic stem cells: Research, ethics, and policy. Oxford Journals, 18(4).
The article written by Guido de Wert takes into account the both sides of the argument evaluating which side has the most reasonable logical sense. Guido de Wert is a leader at the Institute of Hubrecht in Utrecht, a professor of developmental biology, and a professor of biomedical ethics at Maastricht. Contrary to popular belief, the journal concludes that human embryonic stem cell is not similar to the embryonic because the results do not develop into a child or fetus. Moreover, the ethics behind the technology are utilized. As a conclusion the author presents that the instrumental use of the embryos are morally conserved under specific conditions. The overall belief of stem cell research is that the exercise can be morally acceptable if the analysis shows both sides of the debate. The persuasive arguments, in this case, give answers to prove that until the method does not cause any danger, it is morally acceptable.
Shostak, Stanley (2012). Becoming immortal: combining cloning and stem-cell therapy. Albany: State University of New York Press.
Stanely Shostak, the author of the book and the professor of biological sciences, shared with readers the possibilities of killing human beings in the name of research. His book totally excludes the consequences of immortality for the culture, society, and bioethics because he had the intention of promoting the study as another alternative to death and aging. Shostak aimed to explain why immortality for humans never evolved and why it cannot develop. For the sake of the future, the author cautions that cyborgian replacement therapy and the human-machine synthesis will try to advance the growth of immortality. The author proves his argument by stating that there are international organizations who have dominated human immortality by mobilizing specific agencies to reduce population growth. In conclusion, it is vital to consider the various perspectives of immortals and non-immortals before commencing the study.
Prentice, David A (2003). Stem Cells and Cloning. San Francisco: Benjamin Cummings
This book highlights the procedure of cloning and stem cell research in layman’s language. It illustrates different stages with simple notes and diagrams of standards for scientific research. David Prentice is the Research Director and Vice President of the Charlotte Lozier Institute. From his perspective, there are clinically reported studies claiming that the status of the embryo is based on the stem cell investigation. Based on the politics in the U.S, the author elaborates how the current international research with respect to the U.S state and federal legislation defies the right to use the stereotypes in regards to stem cell research. Therefore, Prentice outlined that when this technique is well adopted, it can save lives instead of killing. Governments can always choose the safe ways to conduct the research.
Stem cell research as elaborated in the essay is a debatable topic because every researcher provided different views. As stated in the thesis, all authors’ arguments are based on the data they have collected throughout. Since the majority of them are professors at various universities and institutions, they have eradicated the ethical concern about stem cell study. This investigation has therefore supported the thesis by highlighting the views of every author.
Beeson, D. (2006). Egg harvesting for stem cell research: Medical risks and ethical problems. Retrieved from
Hanson, M. (n.d.). Religion and Stem Cell Research. Retrieved from
Panno, J. (2010). Ethical issues. NY: Infobase Publishing.
Prentice, David A (2003). Stem cells and cloning. San Francisco: Benjamin Cummings
Shannon, T. (2015). Embryonic stem cell research is unethical. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press.
Shostak, Stanley (2012). Becoming immortal: Combining cloning and stem-cell therapy. Albany: State University of New York Press.
Teds. P (2013). God and the embryo: Religious voices on stem cells and cloning. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
The New England Journal of Medicine. (2014). Embryo ethics - the moral logic of stem-cell research. Retrieved from
Wert, G., & Mummery, C. (2013). Human embryonic stem cells: Research, ethics, and policy. Oxford Journals, 18(4).

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